2. Concerned

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Jaren wakes up the next morning after a terrible night's sleep. He'd gotten home around midnight and had immediately gone to bed to think about... well, everything. His feelings. John. His feelings for John. He'd lain awake, staring at his ceiling, thinking.

It terrifies him that he'd come to this revelation because it explained why he'd started feeling differently when he was with his friend. There had been a shift in their relationship ever since he'd gone to stay at John's a few weeks ago. Waking up to John, shirtless and cooking him breakfast, was something entirely different from their normal friendship. It didn't help that he'd flash Jaren the pearliest grin every time he caught his eye, a grin that rendered Jaren's brain useless each time it happened. He doesn't know how he hadn't realised sooner that these are feelings he has for John.

He guesses it was his brain subconsciously stopping him from ruining their friendship. He's glad he got out of there yesterday night before he'd said anything he'd regret; he can't act on his feelings because that would do no one any good. But he can't help the sadness and slight disappointment he feels in John, even though he can't help that he doesn't think of Jaren as more than a friend.

Jaren reaches over for his phone and turns it on. Jesus Christ.

23 messages from Johnny
29 missed calls from Johnny

He cautiously unlocks his phone. Should he call John back? He doesn't want to have to explain himself.

His mind is made up for him when his phone starts to vibrate, flashing John's name and face on his screen. Eyeing the derpy photo of John, cross-eyed and tongue out, Jaren picks up.



"Fucking Christ you scared me last night. Where did you go? You didn't tell anyone you were leaving."

"I came home. I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"Fuck not worrying about you! You're my best friend and I would hate myself if anything ever happened to you. I'm coming to see you so make yourself decent before you let me in."

"John, I'm not a child. You really don't have to come ov-"

"Shut up Jaren. Get dressed."

He sighs and hangs up, staying in bed for a bit. Eventually, he finds the will to pull himself up to go and get dressed. A T-shirt and sweatpants will do; he doesn't plan on going out today.

Barely a few minutes after he has changed, Jaren hears a knock. Is that John already? He shuffles down the stairs and twists the door handle to reveal none other than his friend.

He may be slightly upset with John, for reasons admittedly unjustified, but the new knowledge of his feelings makes butterflies explode in his stomach. He smiles at John until he realises his friend is panting. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just don't have my car so I had to walk here," he huffs.

"You walked here? In fifteen minutes?"

"Alright I ran, whatever."

"You didn't have to come, John, especially if you don't have your car."

John gives him a pointed look. "Smithers, I told you. You never just leave without telling anyone so I needed to see that you're okay. You're my best friend and if your best friend isn't going to come and check on you, who the fuck will?"

His words come out ever so slightly slurred. Jaren only notices because he's heard John's sober voice virtually every day for years, as well as his drunk voice, and this time the sober one's slightly off. He lifts an eyebrow slowly. "Are you hungover?"

"No, can't I tell my best friend I love him without being hungover?"

Jaren shifts uncomfortably at John's choice of words. "You're definitely hungover."

"Fine, I am. Now let me in, I have a headache and I came here just to see your stupid ass."

Jaren laughs gently at John's admission and moves aside to let his friend in, who slips past and skips to his couch before flopping onto it. He stands by his front door and watches John until his blonde mop turns and looks towards him.

"Aren't you coming, bro?"

He feels that sharp pang again. That's all he is, all he'll ever be. His brother. And yet, Jaren notices his feelings for his friend root themselves more firmly, not because of his unintentionally paining words and actions, but because of how he treats him. How could he not fall for him, when he cares enough to run to his house just to make sure he's okay?


Part two done! I hope you've enjoyed these first two parts but it'll get more juicy in the next couple of chapters. You'll see what I mean :3

Thank you for reading!


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