13. Talks

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Hey Jaren, you coming to Kieran's party tonight?


Oh right, sorry. I forgot you haven't met the idiot. He's a good kid, a friend, and he's throwing a party.

Jaren doesn't think much about his answer. It's time for round two of 'getting wasted to forget about John'. Let's just hope no girls force themselves on him this time.

Yeah, sure.

Sweet, I'll text you the address.

Thanks Cam.

Hours later and Jaren is at the party. This is, what, the third one this week? He hopes it goes better than the last two disasters.

Walking in, he can see that Kieran's house is beautiful, with modern furniture too amazing to be being treated the way it is: people jumping onto the couches and dumping their drinks on the tables. Jaren winces at the mess he can see happening.

It doesn't take long for him to find John, drink in hand and talking to Eric. Kasey is stood beside him, one hand in her pocket and one hand holding her phone. She spots him and waves, catching John's attention as well. He looks at Jaren, holding his gaze fast but otherwise emotionless.

Jaren waves back at Kasey and makes his way to the drinks table. He's pleasantly surprised to find that there are not just unidentifiable liquids in cheap red cups, but instead alcoholic drinks in their rightful bottles and cans as well as an array of snacks from mini pretzels to fruit. He smiles at it all and pops three Pringles into his mouth at once. Ooh. Sour cream and onion.

He's mid-crunch, cheeks resembling a hamster, when a rather attractive man with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes approaches him.

"Are you enjoying the party?" he asks, voice smooth as silk.

Jaren turns beetroot red and hurriedly tries to swallow the Pringles. "Um... Yeah, I am. The food is great. Whoever's party this is must be cool. Kieran, I think his name is."

The blonde chuckles, a low sound that makes Jaren's stomach tighten slightly. "Well thank you. I'm glad that someone is sober enough to appreciate my efforts."

Jaren clears his throat. "You're Kieran?"

"The one and only."

"Your house is beautiful."

Kieran's smile is contagious as he looks at Jaren, his eyes sparkling.

"That means a lot coming from someone so attractive."

Jaren chokes. "Oh, er... thanks."

"I made it awkward, didn't I?"

"No, not at all. I'm just not used to being complimented."

"No way. You probably have girls throwing themselves at you." Well, you're not entirely wrong, Jaren thinks to himself.

Kieran reaches over for a bottle of champagne and grabs two glasses. "Would you like some...?" He raises an eyebrow at Jaren in a silent request for his name.

"Jaren." He eyes the bottle, seeing the bubbles rise slowly. His attention flickers to his left and he spies John watching him. There's something in his face that makes Jaren feel almost... guilty and he quickly returns his gaze to Kieran, who is smiling patiently. "Yeah, I'd love some."

He watches him pour a glass and hand it to him. Jaren sips at it, the taste lingering on his tongue. The two make their way to a spare part of the couch, barely enough space for them both. They sit, knees touching as they face each other.

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