11. Drunken Lies

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"Are we there yet?"


"How about now?"

"No. I'll tell you when we are."


A brief pause wherein John huffs an exhale.

"Are we there now?"

"For fuck's sake John - no!" Jaren spares a glance at his drunk friend, who exaggeratedly crosses his arms and frowns.

"You don't need to shout, meanie."

Jaren doesn't even try to hold back the burst of laughter that escapes him at John's drunken immaturity. He's never seen him quite this drunk or if he had, he had been equally as pissed and couldn't remember.

His eyes dart back to the road as they pass houses and cars barely visible in the dark. As annoying as John is being at the present moment, as he hums loudly to himself, Jaren has missed him. He's missed how they'd been before Kasey had come along. Jaren wishes he could bring himself to detest her but she really is a lovely human being and he's somewhat glad John had ended up with her. He just wishes it wasn't at the cost of their friendship.

He is snapped from his trance by John's voice.

"I've missed you, Smii7y." He looks at him, eyes innocently bright. "I'm dumb for ignoring you. I don't know why I am. You're my best friend. I love you." Jaren is taken aback at the sudden confession and certainty in John's voice. He doesn't know how to respond.

"John, you're drunk. Watch what you're saying."

"I know I'm drunk. But I know what I'm saying. I love you," he declares firmly, the statement slightly less believable as he slurs the words. Nevertheless, Jaren feels like the air has been sucked from his body. He reminds himself that John is shit-faced and doesn't mean any of this.

He's relieved that they reach the front of John's house before John can say anything else that hurts Jaren. He carefully pulls the drunk man out of the car and leads him to his front door. Jaren doesn't bother asking him for his key and instead feels around under the ledge of his window for the spare key he knows is there. Once he feels the cold metal, he pulls it out and unlocks the door, hauling a confused John inside.

John finally appears to recognise that this is his house as he unsteadily makes a beeline for the kitchen. Jaren follows and watches as he puts down the glass of water he's holding and turns to him.

"I want my bed," he states, looking at Jaren. "Take me?"

Jaren sighs, seemingly for the hundredth time that night. "Alright, you overgrown child. Come here." He gently links their arms together and leads him up the stairs. He doesn't try to get John to change out of the shirt and jeans he's in, mostly for his own sake so that he doesn't blush to death at the sight of the half-naked man. He tucks a yawning John into his bed as he looks up at him adoringly.


That one word makes Jaren's heart clench.

"I can't, John. We're not on the best terms right now."

He sees the drunken emotion flood John's face.

"We're so dumb, Smii7y. Why are we ignoring each other? I miss you. Sober me is a dumbass and is going to ignore you again but drunk me is the real me and I miss you."

Though John's words are practically incoherent, Jaren feels the tears forming and turns away.

"Goodnight, John. Sweet dreams."

"They'll be of you."

Shit. Jaren practically runs out of John's house, making sure to lock his door and return the key to its hiding place. He can feel droplets of water start to hit his head as he makes his way to his car and he allows the tears to fall with the rain.

Drunk John is right. Why are they ignoring each other? Why can't they just go back to how they had been, before Kasey?

He climbs into his car and puts his hands on the steering wheel, taking a deep breath before starting the engine. As he pulls out, something shiny catches his eye and he sees that John has left one of his rings in the passenger seat. It's a silver ring with a black, shiny gem in the middle and as he picks it up, Jaren can see his reflection in it. He slips it on, marvelling at its simple beauty.

He's reminded that he's on the road when a car horn sounds, warning him that he's swerving onto the next lane. He snaps his attention back to the road and can barely see through the rain that's pummeling his windshield. It doesn't help that his eyes are filled with tears.

John said he loves him. Why does he lie when he's drunk? He blinks back the tears brimming in his eyes because it can't be okay to drive with this lack of clear vision. Jaren knows that John didn't mean to say it. He's completely out of his mind. He just misses him. By God does he miss his friend.

He manages to get home safely by some miracle and doesn't even go upstairs. He just slips his shoes off and crashes on his couch, seeking the escape of sleep. He hopes it's a dreamless sleep he has because he knows if it isn't, they'll be of John.


Sorry I didn't update yesterday but I'm back and I hope you enjoyed this part.

Thank you for reading :)


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