4. Ice Cream

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Jaren feels his phone ring as he's making his morning coffee. He fishes it out of his pocket and brings it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hey Smithers," John's voice comes. "What you up to today?"

"Nothing much," he replies, taking his cup of coffee to the living room. Octavia jumps on and off the couch, agitated. "I'll probably take Octavia out to the big park today, seeing as the weather's so nice."

At the word 'park' Octavia lets out an excited bark. Jaren hears John laugh.

"Is it cool if I join you? I'm sure Octavia would enjoy her favourite human's company too."

"You wish, biatch. I'm the one who gives her food and a home so I'm clearly her favourite person."

"Exactly, idiot. I don't have to give her anything but my affection to be her favourite human."

"Alright then, you're not welcome to join me and my child on our park adventure today. Goodbye."

"No no I'm sorry Jaren! I'm sorry, you're her favourite person. Just like you're mine." He can hear the smile in John's voice and the heat rises in his face.

"You're so lame," Jaren laughs. "We'll be there at around one. See you then, loser."

"Hell yeah brother."


A few hours later and Octavia is pulling Jaren into the park, her tail wagging at a million miles an hour.

"Hold your horses, partner!" Jaren laughs, letting her pull him along. She bolts to the left and practically launches herself at a guy on a bench. When the sunlight stops assaulting his eyes, Jaren is able to see clearly and realises Octavia's victim is John, dressed in a red Hawaiian shirt, blue jeans and sunglasses that obstruct his eyes. His hair is extra frizzy today and blows about his face in the slight breeze of the warm day. He looks good. Despite the dark glasses, Jaren can tell when John looks up and sees him, for his face morphs into a beaming smile.

"Wassup dude! Long time no see," he states, standing up to hug Jaren. He pulls him in as Jaren snorts and lifts his own sunglasses to rest atop his head.

"I know. We have to see each other more often than once a day. I feel so sad when I'm not with you." He giggles as John moves a hand to his heart.

"Bro I missed you so much," he claims dramatically. He flashes Jaren a smirk as he kneels down to Octavia's height. "But I missed this girl even more. Didn't I? Yes I did," he cooes at Octavia who laps up the attention.

Jaren hands her lead to John and they set off walking in the park, the sun beating down on their heads. Jaren spies families playing soccer, couples lying in the sunlight and dogs bounding after each other. Octavia, however, makes a beeline for the huge fountain in the middle of the park and Jaren and John can do nothing but obey.

When they finally make it, she flings herself into the fountain, making water splatter all over the two humans accompanying her. Both just laugh, Jaren grateful for the refreshingly cold water soaking his T-shirt. Octavia looks at them, obviously overjoyed, and barks her thanks.

While she flops around in the water and on the nearby grass, John passes her lead back to Jaren as he stands. "Wait here, I'll be back in a sec." He strides away, leaving Jaren staring after him. He doesn't question John because he knows how spontaneous and random his friend can be and so waits patiently, watching Octavia prance around.

John returns five minutes later with two massive ice creams in his hands, beaming at Jaren. "Ice cream for m'lady." He bends down slightly and hands Jaren a vanilla ice cream with strawberry and bubblegum flavoured sauce dripping down the sides.

"Thank you, kind sir. Thou hath got me mine favouriteth ice cream." He takes the cold goodness from John and gives it a quick lick. "As good as I hath expecteth."

John laughs at his weirdness and they make their way to a picnic table away from the fountain to avoid getting soaked, seating themselves opposite one another as Octavia runs laps in the general vicinity. Jaren watches John eye his own mint chocolate ice cream and as though he can feel his friend watching, John turns his gaze to Jaren and slowly licks the ice cream, maintaining eye contact the whole time. Jaren keeps his eyes on John and the way his tongue glides over the cold dairy and something in him is screaming at him to stop but he can't. One move has him hooked.

The silence is broken when John swallows and lets out a snort. "Dude, I need to stop being a whore." He takes a bite out of the ice cream instead.

Jaren, finally having somewhat composed himself, gasps. "You monster," he mocks. "How dare you bite an ice cream?"

"I just did. And I'll do it again, pussy." Never one to back down, John takes another bite and looks triumphantly at Jaren. Jaren sees some of the mint chocolate ice cream has deposited itself onto the corner of his friend's mouth.

"You got a little..." He gestures to his own mouth.

"Where?" John turns his head slightly.

"Just on the corner." Staring at John's lips for so long is making him flustered. Just wipe your mouth already.

"Get it for me? Please?" John leans over the table between them and brings his face closer to Jaren, who gulps. He can feel John's cool breath on his face and it smells like mint. His eyes drift to John's before they rake down his face, taking in his long lashes, adorable nose and full lips.

"Um.. sure." He gingerly brings his hand towards John's face and cups his cheek with his fingers. He could swear John leans into it although that is likely his own wishful thinking. Jaren feels John's green eyes piercing his, but he keeps his own eyes south of John's gaze. He moves his thumb to the corner of his friend's mouth and swipes at the ice cream, which comes away. Jaren leaves his hand on John's face for a fraction of a second longer before removing it and looking down at his lap.

"There you go."

"Thank you."

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