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Jesus Christ I almost fucking cried at hate comments today. They weren't about me- nobody knows of my existence- but they were about a band I like. 5 Seconds of Summer. Yep, collective sigh. But I'm not here to talk about how I like them and what genre of music they belong in, or how much their music means to me. 5sos isn't my whole life, and I'm not a super fan, but damn, the amount of hate they get is like the amount Miley Cyrus gets. Okay, that's a lie, she probably gets more hate than them. But, what I'm trying to say is WHAT THE FUCK YOU CRUMMY SCONES, WHY ARE YOU BEING MEAN??!!

And it's not just 5sos, not one person can go without being hated on. I don't care if you're famous or not, someone out there hates you. This is obviously going to turn into an inspiring thing after a few more paragrahs about those soggy bagels that hate. But seriously, why do people hate? Does it make them feel better by bringing someone else down? Do they get paid to be assbutts? Google really isn't helping me with my research, so screw it. Sometimes people hate because they think they're always right. Maybe their clothes are better than yours. Maybe their music is better than 5sos'. Maybe they just don't like you. But why? Why is it a thing?

Yes, everyone has their opinions, but can't you just keep those hateful things to yourself? What part about posting it somewhere makes it better? Makes you better? Is it just so you can brag about it? "Oh yeah, my hate comment got like, seven likes. I'm so cool!" How is that cool? Bashing on someone is now cool? When the fuck did that happen? Did your momma not teach you manners? Are you just brave behind a screen? Why does this keep happening? The world sucks enough without your stupid comments littering every video from the twin towers falling to the war in Iraq. From starving children and homeless people to the rich and famous. Apparently just because a famous person makes something, whether it's a mistake or music, it needs to be bashed on. Or just because a person is homeless they don't deserve a home.

After reading the hate comments on one of 5sos' videos I literally exited the website, closed my computer and stared blankly at the TV screen in front of me. All that was running through my mind was 'Oh'. I was stunned. The song they did was an American Idiot cover, originally by Green Day. I personally love both versions of the song, but it's cool if you don't. I mean, my friends and my cousins either feel indifferent about 5sos or hate them, but I don't talk about 5sos to them. So simple as that. If you know you hate the music, or hate how on Wikipedia they're classified as pop rock and pop punk, then why do you watch their videos, listen to their music, and judge their fans? I like their music. That doesn't mean I talk about them all the time, especially to people who I know don't like them...so why can't haters keep inside all their nasty comments?

I'm just so done with humans right now. I'm disappointed that the world has come to people searching something up, veiwing it, deciding they don't like it, then killing some of the love people have. How does it make you feel when you spent a little time doing your hair all nice, or picking your outfit, and then one person says they don't like it? Sometimes it can ruin your whole day, especially if the person is close to you or no one complements you. Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to give a fuck, I'm supposed to tell the hater that all my fucks flew away at the sight of their ugly face, but sometimes it gets to me. My cousins (the word counsins was word number 666, I'm taking it as a sign) they hate on me all the time. They hate on me for liking 5sos. They hate on me for liking my noodles seperate from my vegetables (the vegetarian struggle yo), for liking the drums for God's sake! They pick me apart and hate on me, and sometimes I fight back, other times I pretend to not care, but it still hurts.

It fucking hurts. Yeah, now I'm complaining, but no one said you had to read this. So if we're hurting other people why do we continue to hate? My cousins say it makes me stronger, but sometimes all it takes is one more word of hate for the person recieving hate to kill themselves, cut themselves, or punch the hater in the face. But you know what? Fuck it. I'm just a girl who tries to be nice to people, tries to stop hate, is minorly depressed, has a bad outlook on life, and pretends to be rebellious when I'm actually just a wimp who often gets hit by her cousins. So my opinions really don't matter. But the next time you think to yourself, "ew what is that person wearing," just know that if you say that, or post that, you could hurt someone. And no one likes getting hurt. So basically, don't be an asshole, keep your opinions to yourself unless asked for them and try to enjoy life more than me. (It's actually really hard to enjoy life more than me, so...have fun with that challenge.)

Yeah, this was a scrambled mess of rhetorical questions and my stupidity, but I'm a scrambled mess of rhetorical questions and stupidity, so of course my rantings are me in a nutshell. So, read, don't read, I don't care. Please enjoy the sprinkling of bad words in this...rant of my feels.

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