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"Children, settle down," Seonghwa chuckles, handing the child in his arms to another mom and she lays him down for a nap, "It's time to rest."

He sees Wooyoung on the far side of the small tented area, laying two children down and giving them kisses on their foreheads. He smiles, Wooyoung would make a great mother. Maybe the conversation with Jongho went well? He will ask him when the children are asleep.

Aurora cuddles into another child and his heart swells looking at her. Hongjoong says she looks like Seonghwa when she slept, but her eyes remind him of Hongjoong's and how they're constantly moving with her dreams. He smiles and finishes cleaning up from lunch, getting ready for lessons when the children wake up. Wooyoung comes over and helps, that's when Seonghwa asks him the question he's been wondering all day.

"How did things go with Jongho?" He looks at the younger boy, Wooyoung looks up at him and smiles.

"We talked.... he... he told me he didn't want kids," Wooyoung swallows, shaking off the disappointment before looking back at his hyung, "But I told him, I didn't need children with him to make me happy. I'm much more happy being Uncle Wooyoung to little Aurora. He made me realize that we are living the luxury life right now. We are together, we have all of you, and we live here. I told him I didn't need children to be happy. As long as I have him by my side, I was happy."

Seonghwa smiles, kissing Wooyoung's temple, "I'm happy for you. We are all happy to have you and Aurora is going to love having her Uncle Wooyoung around and not distracted by other children."

Wooyoung laughs, looking at the little girl who was sleeping peacefully in another child's arms. He snorts, shaking his head, "I pity the men who fall in love with her."

"He's going to have eight people on his back and eight people to get through to her," Seonghwa laughs quietly, "He's going to be surprised when he realizes he won't be able to get to her easy."

Later on in day, when the children were heading home, Seonghwa happen to look up just in time to see Yunho walking towards the day care tent. Seonghwa smiles, but it is wiped away when he sees the look on Yunho's face. He picks Aurora up and walks over to the younger, "Hey sweetie-"

Yunho wraps his arms around Seonghwa and sobs in his shoulder. Seonghwa immediately wraps his free arm around Yunho and holds him close. Yunho sniffles, staying in that position for a bit before pulling away and wiping his eyes and nose, "I'm terribly sorry."

"Honey, what's wrong?" Seonghwa coos, cupping his face with a soft hand and Yunho takes Aurora in his arms to hold her. The little girl seemed to make everyone feel better whenever they hold her if they were upset.

"M-Mingi," Yunho hiccups, burying his face in Aurora's hair as the little girl cuddles her Uncle Yunho.

Seonghwa's protective instincts kick in, and he glares, "What did he do?"

Yunho sniffles, Aurora looks up and places a kiss on his cheek which made the taller boy cry again as he kisses her cheeks. He sobs again and Seonghwa this time takes the younger in his arms and hugs them both. Aurora reaches for Seonghwa and Yunho hands her over, "I don't know if you have talked to Hongjoong yet..."

Seonghwa's stomach drops, "About what?"

Yunho wipes his eyes, "Mingi said.... that they're sailing off again in a few days."

Seonghwa's heart breaks, and he was about to comment about how they just got back when Yunho seemed to have read his mind, "I know, they just got back and they're leaving again."

Seonghwa's anger bubbles, shaking his head before kissing Yunho's cheek, "Hongjoong didn't tell me. But I'm going to talk to him now."

Yunho's face drops, "I didn't mean-"

"No, I'm glad you told me. Because now I'm going to have a chance to maybe convince them to wait," Seonghwa grits out, Aurora whines before pointing to the door of the tent.

"Come, let's go home," Seonghwa whispers, wrapping his arm around Yunho and leading him to his home. He takes a deep breath before he opens the door and Seonghwa squeezes his hand, "Don't worry, I'll talk to Hongjoong and see if I can change his mind."

"I said some horrible things to him Hwa," Yunho whispers, "I hurt him pretty badly."

Seonghwa cups Yunho's face, "If you want, you can come sleep at our house. But you need to face him sometime. You love him, and he loves you. Nothing but an apology can fix this."

Yunho nods, taking a deep breath in before entering his home. He waves to Aurora and Seonghwa before shutting the door. Seonghwa turns and heads back home, once he enters his own he sees Hongjoong setting the table for dinner. He smiles when he sees his family but when he sees Seonghwa's eyes narrowed he frowns, "Whats wrong?"

"Oh nothing," Seonghwa hums, "Just that Yunho came to me upset because you and Mingi are leaving again in a few days." The captain looks up surprised, and Seonghwa snorts before sitting Aurora down on the ground. The baby squeals, crawling around the floor as Seonghwa puts his hands on his hips, "Figures. You weren't going to tell me were you?"

"I-I was-"

"Bull shit!" Seonghwa hisses, "You we're going to wait until the last minute weren't you?!"

Hongjoong sighs in defeat, running his hand through his hair and looks down when he feels Aurora tugging on his pant leg. He picks her up and holds her, the baby cuddling into him as he looks back at his lover, "Babe-"

"No," Seonghwa shakes his head, "Don't 'babe' me! You were gone for almost a month!! A month, Kim Hongjoong!! And now you're leaving after being back for only three days!?"

"I know it's soon-"

"Obviously not!! Because you're leaving again!!"

"We didn't get a good stock at the ocean city we visited!! We need more supplies now with more people on this island!"

"But now?! Why now why not another month or two?!" Now Seonghwa was tearing up as he grew angrier and angrier. He runs his hands through his blonde hair, "I'm going to take a bath and going to bed."

"Love," Hongjoong calls to him, sighing when Seonghwa ignores him and continues to walk outside to their wash bin. He looks down at Aurora who is chewing on his seashell necklace, "Baby girl, you have any ideas on how to make mommy happy?" She looks up at him, chewing on the shell and humming. He sighs, kissing her forehead before sitting down with her to eat, "Daddy will figure it out."


Written by @jinjin0309

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