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Yunho felt like the luckiest person alive as he sat around the fire with his family. He had truly thought he would never see them again after Mingi had taken him. And that very same man had managed to win his heart and had reunited him with his family.

He sighed happily as he leaned into his lover. Mingi leaned in too, resting his head on top of Yunho's.

His family had accepted him being with Mingi with open arms. A lot had been forgiven on the ship ride to Utopia. Juno was still a little hesitant, but he had always been known to be over protective since he was the eldest. River was carefree and didn't really care about anything as long as she got food and love. His parents were just happy to be reunited and that their family was whole again.

And Quinn... Was hardly around. Yunho found it odd, but he didn't really question it. She had always been a free spirit and she told the family she liked exploring the island.

After dinner, he and Mingi said their goodnights and made their way back to their house. Yunho interlaced their fingers and bit his lip as he peaked at Mingi.

The pirate caught him and gave him a wink, causing Yunho to blush and look away.

"What is on your mind, gorgeous?" Mingi asked, chuckling a little.

Yunho hummed, not sure what to say. "I'm just... happy."

The got to their front door and Mingi opened it for him. "Good, I'm glad I could do this for you. I've been looking for so long."

Yunho turned to see Mingi blushing and couldn't take it anymore.

As soon as the door closed, Yunho pressed Mingi to it and locked their lips together. The younger moaned and fisted the back of Yunho's shirt in response.

The pirate used his strength to push Yunho into the adjacent wall, pinning him to it and letting his dominant side come out. Yunho loved every second of it. He went to run his hands through Mingi's hair, but suddenly he found them pinned to the wall above his head, his wrists engulfed by Mingi's large hand.

Yunho let out a whimper that turned into a moan as Mingi used his other hand to squeeze his ass. The motion made Yunho rock his hips, grinding their hardening members together. He twisted his hands, wanting to touch Mingi.

That caused his lover to pull back, grabbing Yunho's lower lip in his teeth as he did and pulling it with him until he let go. "Do you have any idea just how sexy you look right now?" Mingi growled, running his eyes all up and down Yunho's body.

The older shivered, loving how husky Mingi's voice got when his dominant side came out. Even though it had scared him before, now that he had fallen for the pirate, he actually loved this side of him.

And Mingi knew it too. As soon as he saw the glint in Yunho's eyes, he smirked and crouched down, picking Yunho up and slung him over his shoulder. The older cried out and playfully hit Mingi's back. "Now this isn't playing fair! Put me down!"

Mingi just chuckled darkly and slapped Yunho's thigh, causing him to yelp at a higher pitch than was normal. He hurried to their bed and tossed Yunho on it, immediately getting on top of him and ripping of his clothes. Then he descended and claimed Yunho's mouth, once more pinning Yunho's arms above his head.

Yunho felt his stomach flip at the feeling. He whined and tried to pull his hands free again, but Mingi tightened his grip, using his free hand to tease Yunho's nipples. The older whimpered and arched his back.

Then Mingi shifted for a second and Yunho felt something being tied around his wrists. He broke the kiss and looked up to see Mingi fastening his belt around the older's wrists and then attaching it to the end of the bed.

"M-Mingi?!" Yunho gasped as it was pulled tight at the same time Mingi attacked his neck. He gasped and felt his member twitch and become even harder if that was possible.

His lover kissed lower and lower on his body, sucking on his nipples, the middle of his chest, his stomach, and even on the sensitive party of his side, making giggle and squirm away from him. This just made Mingi want to do it more so he pinned Yunho's hips to the bed and repeated the action.

Then he moved on, placing kisses on his thighs and even biting, leaving indents in his skin. Yunho whimpered, but also moaned out his name, jerking his hips a little, desiring any kind of attention on the spot he needed it most.

Mingi knew exactly how to tease him though and continued to nip at his thighs while taking a single finger and running it around Yunho's entrance.

Yunho gasped and arched his back, whimpering Mingi's name as he pulled at the restraints. He hissed when the leather bit his skin.

"Stop struggling then gorgeous." Mingi mocked before slipping a finger in. He chuckled as Yunho jolted, biting his lip and tilting his head back. Mingi started to move his finger in and out. He soon added a second, and as he did, he licked Yunho's length from the base to the tip.

God it made Yunho feel amazing. He felt like he could explode right there. And he nearly did when Mingi took him in his mouth while adding a third figure.

Yunho moaned out his name over and over as he tried to pull free again, wanting to touch his lover. But at the same time, being helpless beneath him, as ironic as it was, made him feel alive.

Mingi released Yunho's length with a pop at the same time as he withdrew his fingers. But he quickly ran them over all the slick he had created and rubbed it over his own member. He stared down at Yunho with narrowed eyes, and licked his lips. "Are you ready for me?"

"Yes. Yes Mingi. Please, I need you so much right now." Yunho whimpered and hissed again as the leather dug into his wrists. "And please take this off me!" He whined.

Mingi chuckled, "No, I think I will leave them. You look so sexy like this." He said.

Right as Yunho was about to respond, Mingi shoved himself inside, causing the older to cry out in surprise, pain, and pleasure as Mingi didn't give him a chance to adjust before pounding into him.

The younger grunted as he slammed into him over and over. He lifted Yunho's legs him, bringing his back off the bed, and thrusted down into him.

Yunho cried out as Mingi hit his sweet spot. The entire bed shook as the sound of moans and skin slapping filled the air.

As he felt himself getting close, Yunho had a hard time forming any kind of word, even Mingi's name. But his lover understood and he started to pump Yunho's length in time with his thrusts.

It took only a few more thrusts before Mingi came, growling hard, as he thrust in time with his spurts, filling Yunho to the brim.

The older came shortly after, covering his chest and stomach with his seed.

They stayed like that for a few moments, just gazing into each other's eyes and panting heavily. Then Mingi pulled out and grabbed a rag to clean up Yunho before removing his belt.

The couple settled into bed, Yunho rubbing his nose against the side of Mingi's neck, reveling in the fact that they could fall asleep wrapped in each other's embrace.


Written by flamewhipper!!

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