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a loud thump could be heard through the hallways of the two story house.

hyunjin groaned.

running down the stairs as fast as he could jeongin asked, "what happened? are you ok?!". the  smaller lended hyunjin a hand and lifted him back to his feet.

"haha thanks." hyunjin rubbed the back of his neck.

"this is the second time this morning, are you ok?" jeongin panicked and put his hand on hyunjin forehead.

hyunjin just swiped at jeongins hand. "i'm fine i swear! just eat so we can get going."

"ah crap, we gotta get going fast then if we don't wanna be late."

and in the next few minutes, they're gone.

jeongin looked at his phone, 7:47.

" we have eight minutes hyunjin, we're definitely going to be late." jeongin sighed out.

as if on cue, a car pulled up. "want a ride?" the person spoke.

"felix?" jeongin looked up tilting his head.

the two brothers got in the car and buckled up their seatbelts.

"thanks for taking us to school. it's pretty cool of you to do that." hyunjin thanked.

"yeah of course, anything for my friends" felix smiled then looked at jeongin.

jeongin peeked over his shoulder to see felix smiling at him.

he quickly turned his gaze back to his window. "k-keep your eyes on the road.." jeongin softly said.

"i didn't know you could drive!" hyunjin exclaimed.

felix just laughed, "i've had my license for a while actually"

for jeongin it felt like hours to get to school.

it felt unreal.

pretty funny to be honest. he's spent most of his life with him along with his brother chan, yet he now gets feelings for felix. maybe it was a teenage thing?

"we're here" a voice said snapping jeongin out of his own world.

"we're here idiot. now let's go before we're all late." hyunjin rushed.

jeongin took a step out of the car and smiled.

"thank you for the ride to school felix.! without you we would have definitely be late .."

the three quickly rushed inside and going their separate ways. sheesh. Any longer with Felix and I wouldn't have been able to function.. jeongin thought.

the first two periods went by pretty slow. then the third period came. in this one, he had it with felix, seungmin and jisung.

once the class started jeongin didn't really pay attention.

but the thing he did pay attention to is the fact that felix still looked so good even when working..

"jeongin? quite staring at felix. it's getting creepy.." seungmin pointed out.

a shade of red came across the youngests face and quickly shook his head paying more attention to the teacher.

"ok class! today we are finishing up our short songs, so please get with your parteners"mr.min said.

"i have a guest who was willing helping you guys out! jimin, or mr.park, you can come in."on cue,in came the pink haired male waving at everyone. 

"hello!i'm park jimin! i'm here to help today since mr old man here is to lazy" he teased, "so raise your hand if you need any assistance." he smiled brightly sitting down on an empty desk.

"i think i'm going gay for him.." jisung whispered to jeongin.

"ew gross! yeah he's pretty n all but hes probably with mr. min!"


the bell just rang, and all the students were flowing through the hallways racing to get out of there.

people bumping into others here and there.

as soon as jeongin got out, he began looking for hyunjin.

"hey, yang jeongin!" a person yelled from their car window.

the voice startled jeongin. he turned around and was met with chan in his car.

" hyunjin said he had something to do.. so he told me to take you home and hang out with you for the night.. uh, is that ok though?if i stay the night? i mean he told me to because he said you were scared of being alon-"

"i'm sorry he said what?"jeongin said getting into the car.

"what?is that a bad thing? i can pretend i didn't hear anything if you don't like me knowing"

" you know what, when he gets back from his little trip im going to beat his ass" he clenched his fists.

" but i'm ok with you staying over because your my channie!" he turned to face chan smiling.

chan smiled and started the car. "you're so silly"

"hey chan? is it ok if we get some food real fast.? im hungry." jeongin whined.

" i'll make some noods when we get to your house ok little fox?" chan said patting the youngers head.

jeongin smiled at the use of the nickname. "yeah, your noodles are better than fast food."

"also.. did you just call them noods?" The younger questions.

"uh- yeah i did. are you just now realizing after all these years?" he laughs.

and just like that, they're home.

"alright innie, go shower and stuff. ill be making the noodles."

the younger nods.

he runs upstairs and grabs a pair of  shorts and one of Chans extra sweaters he keeps at their house.

meanwhile chans downstairs making the ramen.

turning on the stove, he puts the pot with water on it.

around ten minutes later, jeongin flops down the stairs.

" is it ready?" he jumps.

"yeah almost. let me just put it into bowls and we are good." chan looks at jeongin and takes notice.

" i see you like my sweater. looks good on you" Chan winks.

" oh.! i do really like it. it's very comfortable." jeongin slowly sunk into the sweater from embarrassment.

chan puts a bowl in front of jeongin, and a bowl in front of him.

"i also noticed you are doing everything while this is my house." jeongin laughs a bit.

"i suppose i am. i'm just doing what your brother asked me to do. to take care of you"

"you know.. i'm a 16 year old boy. i can take care of myself. not that i don't like you helping or anything, but i don't understand why he doesn't trust me."

ok! that's the second chapter! i'm honestly going to try and make this story longer and more interesting than my first. but how has the story been so far? i have a few drafts already done to be published over the next few weeks. i'm going to try to publish maybe once or twice a week if that's ok?

also! quick  question: are you guys ok with A little bit of cross dressing? jUsT a TiNy bIt

Cuddles//jeongchan Where stories live. Discover now