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" ok jeongin . i want you to go to sleep. it's 11 and we have school tomorrow." chan explained.

"o-oh ok. good night then!" he said.

jeongin hugged chan then walked into his room.

chan was going into hyunjins room since he usually sleeps in there anyways.


-earlier before school ended-

" yo chan wait up!"

"hm?" He turned around.

" jeez how fast do you walk!" hyunjin puffed.

"what did you need? i was about to grab my bag and head out."

"i need you to stay with jeongin tonight. i know he might not like me saying it to you and stuff and he might not act like it but he can't be home alone. he gets scared at night, he can never sleep without someone being in the house." he explained.

" why am I going there? why aren't you going to be home?" chan tilted his head in confusion.

" that's not important. just be there tonight and drive him back home from school."

" ok i'm here." he said.

" wow i honestly didn't think you would come."

" of course i would come! i could never say no to my baby" he winked.

" first off, ew. i'm not your baby." seungmin cringed.

"c'mon, we all know you love it. and why else would you invite me to come to the cafe with you?"

"ewie no. the only reason i asked you to come to the cafe with me is because no one else wanted to." he rolled his eyes.

" ouch. i'm your last resort huh?" hyunjin pretended to stab himself in the heart, being the dramatic person he is.

seungmin sighs. " anyways , hang out with me for a bit and entertain me."

"wow you're sounding like a top"

" are you saying i'm not?"

"i mean, you don't look nor act like it" hyunjin pointed out.

"you little-

" hello! what would you like to order?" the waiter spoke, scaring the living heck out of seungmin.

"o-oh i would like to get a slice of strawberry cheesecake and green tea please.." seungmin breathed out.

"and i would like the same!" hyunjin added.

the waiter left, leaving the two alone again.

hyunjin couldn't take it anymore, and he let out a loud laugh.

" you should have seen your face!" he laughed, "it was hilarious!"

"this is why no one wants to hang around you" seungmin shakes his head.

(ok but lemme just ask how tf did seungmin autocorrect to George??)

"am i really that annoying, that no one wants to hang out with me?" he asks pouting.

"sometimes" seungmin jokes, then sees the pout on the others face. " i'm just joking, calm down there buddy"


jeongin flew up from his bed in a cold sweat.

"just a dream.." he muttered.

he looked over at the clock on his bedside table.

it read: 2:37 a.m.

he shook his head knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.

he didn't have hyunjin or his big bear with him because one, hyunjin isn't home.

two , the big bear is across the hall and in his older brothers room.

which is the room chan is sleeping in.

but if he snuck into the room and took it without making noise?

eh.. not worth the risk.

or he could also wake up chan?

but he might become angry and grumpy.

yeah not a good idea.. jeongin thought.

so for the rest of the night, he just laid there staring at the ceiling.

guess who can't sleep tonight? aha that's right, it's me! i mean it's not that late considering it's only 1:56 am rn lol

Cuddles//jeongchan Where stories live. Discover now