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"what'd you get?" chan said leaning over to jeongin, trying to look at his plate.

"you're not getting any! you have your own plate" the youngest crosses his arms.

chan laughed and nodded his head.

"ew get a room" jisung said fake gagging making everyone laugh.

"they're not even acting remotely bad as you and minho" seungmin said taking a bite of his nuggets.

chan rolled his eyes at his friends and started to eat.

he looked around the table and noticed jeongin staring at felix. chan poked jeongins side which made the younger flinch.

"what was that for?" the black haired male questioned.

chan leaned in and whispered in his ear, "i notice you staring at my brother" he tried not to laugh.

jeongin blushed and shook his head. "c'mon chan! im only a best friend to him.. there's no chance anyways."

chan felt his heart sink. he always had a slight hunch that jeongin liked his younger brother, but he practically just admitted to it. and that hurt like hell. he shoved his feelings aside and continued to say, "c'mon, there's definitely a chance! he's always saying how you're adorable."

jeongins eyes widened and sparkled "would you help me ?" 

chan gave a small smile and nodded. "anything for my little baby fox" he laughed and messed with jeongins hair.

the dinner with the group went on perfectly well actually. some of them just now becoming friends, but in the end of the night they got pretty close.

"i have a question." hyunjin asked.

everyone questioned as to what it was. "i know some of you guys just met- but would you guys be able to sleep over at my house?" he asked. everyone nodded.

"yes! let's do it!" felix yelled. a waiter walking by shushed him and shook they're head.

short again, i know. i'm procrastinating real hard mannn
alsooo this has been going on for almost 4 months and it's gone like no where 🤡

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