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everyone arrived to the house safely. hyunjin opened the door for everyone to come inside. once inside, they went to the living room to claim spots.

"i call dibs on jisung" minho said wrapping his arms around the boy. jisung blushed slightly and shook his head.

"honestly, just date already! this is getting stupid" seungmin sighed out. everyone else nodded in agreement.

"well uh.. since some of us are new to eachother, what about we just sit in a circle and say some facts about ourselves?" the rest agreed.

"we bout to pull a kindergarten class up in here" hyunjin said chuckling.

the group got in a circle and decided on who was going to go first. "ok so youngest starts," soobin said. they looked and jeongin and he sighed.

"why does it always have to be the youngest! it's not fair" he pouted. "well, i'm 16.. my friends say i look like a fox, i like to wear feminine clothes sometimes. OH! when i was 10 i think, i climbed a tree and acted like a cat stuck in a tree. then i actually got stuck and channie had to get me out" he scratched the back of his neck.

"i remember that, i was laughing so hard" hyunjin said.

"i do too, you were a pain in my ass that day." chan said laughing and shaking his head at the memory.

"i guess i'll go since i'm beside him. i'm choi soobin as i'm pretty sure you all know. i'm crushing and i sing"

the game went on. everyone saying little facts about them. by the end of that little game, their stomachs hurt from laughing so hard.

"i'll go get the blankets, anyone wanna come?" jeongin said standing up. felix raised his hand standing up. they both walked up the stairs to the closet that held the blankets. jeongin opened the door and grabbed a pile of blankets and handed another to felix.

"hey jeongin?" felix asked and stopped.  jeongin turned around and tilted his head. wow.. he looks so pretty.. jeongin thought.

"we're best friends right?" jeongin nodded his head. what was up with him?

"so i can trust you with a special piece of information.?" jeongin nodded. his heart pounded.

felix inhaled and exhaled. "well. i don't know if it's obvious or not.. but i think i like changbin.."

jeongin nodded taking in the information. his heart sank. tears built up in his eyes. but he couldn't show the elder that he was hurt by it.

"oh really? i kinda like your brother." jeongin said without thinking. once he realized what he said, he immediately regretted it.

"wait really!? that would be so cute! i have a new mission, mission.. jeong..cha- jeongchan!" felix jumped with excitement. he smiled brightly at jeongin then he gasped. "do you know what this means? we can be brothers!" felix yelled.

jeongin smiled slightly at the boys excitement.

they walked down the stairs and rejoined the group of friends.

"what took you guys so long?" minho smirked. soobin smacked him upside the head "shut up, they're baby's!"

"ew no, he just confessed his feelings for-." jeongin put his hand on felix's mouth and smiled nervously. "no one! i have feelings for no one."

"oh come on jeongin! you can't just leave us like that!" jisung pouted. jeongin smiled and shook his head.

jeongin took a seat next to chan and released a deep sigh. "you told him?" chan whispered. jeongin shook his head no, receiving a confused look from the older. "i'll explain later."

chan just nodded his head and turned back to the group.

hyunjin put on a movie, frozen 2 to be exact. you can already have an idea on how that went.

"INTO THE UNKNOWNNNN! INTO THE UNKNOOOOWWWWWNNN!" they sang, very dramatically and off key.

about half way through the movie, most of them were exhausted from how much energy they've used. every one had blankets and pillows.

jeongin was passed out on chans stomach, seungmin sleeping on the floor and jisung on minho.

the movie came to an end and hyunjin turned off the tv. he noticed seungmin on the ground without blankets and without any second thought, he picked him up and took him to his room.

"goodnight guys" hyunjin whispered walking up the stairs.

chan looked down at the sleeping boy on his chest. he sighed and decided it was best for him to take jeongin to his room too.

he carefully picked jeongin up bridal style and walked up stairs. he opened the door to the room as quietly as possible and placed jeongin on the bed gently.

he was about to leave when he felt a tug at his wrist. he tilted his head and was met with a sleepy jeongin.

"can you please stay tonight...? i can't sleep.." jeongin mumbled out.

chan blushed slightly. "like, stay in the room?" he asked.

"well yeah, but like sleep with me" he pouted. chan blushed a deep red at that.

"i don't know if you're confortable with that" chan said, finding excuses.

"why would i ask if i wasn't comfortable" jeongin said slowly sitting up. he needed chan to be with him, only for the fact he literally can't sleep without someone.

"oh.. haha good point." chan awkwardly laughed.

"we've slept together many times, why are you so weird now?" jeongin said looking confused.

"it's nothing baby, just lay down." chan said getting in next to the younger boy.

once chan was under the sheets, he pulled them up a bit and slowly wrapped his arm around jeongins slim waist. the boy moved slightly but soon moved in closer.

"you're warm.." the younger yawned.

chan chuckled and ran his free hand through the younger hair.

"shh sleep baby" chan whispered closing his eyes.

"goodnight channie." jeongin said almost asleep.

"goodnight innie" chan said sounding just like jeongin.

and for once, jeongin felt comfortable enough to sleep. he felt warm enough, loved enough. and finally, he got a good sleep.

this is maybe the longest chapter i've written 😂
i just feel like a load of shit right now though, surprise surprise.

how do you like the story so far?

what can i do to make you like it more?

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