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hyunjin opened the door to the house, and went straight to jeongins room. he didn't see him at school today, so where was he?

he opened the door and to his surprise there was chan and jeongin sitting on the floor playing uno.

"die" jeongin growled placing his card down.

chan groaned and picked up a card from the draw pile. "i was down to one card! one card away from winning, but nooo you had to place down a pickup four colour switch"

jeongin cackles evilly and looks at his door. "oh hyunjin you're home!"

"yeah, and you've been home all day?" he questions, "i didn't see you at school."

"i'm sorry that was my fault, he looked so tired and his eyes were purple and black." chan says.

hyunjin looks at jeongin with a questioning look but jeongin just looks the other way feeling guilty. he knew he should have just went to chan for help with sleeping but he couldn't just bother him whenever.

"oh ok then. i was wondering if you guys wanted to go out for dinner with a few friends?" hyunjin asked.

"yes please! i wanna go out and eat!" jeongin jumped with excitement.

texting group chat: stray rats 🤩🐀

where and what time do we wanna go eat?
i have chan and jeongin
coming with us

how about that new buffet?
i heard it's pretty good

we can meet there at 4 if that's
ok with you guys

yeah i'm fine with that.
anyone need to be picked up?

i can walk it's just around the corner from my house.

can you pick me up please? 🥺
you know where i live

yeah i could do that
finally a group hangout 😎

aight bye losers


"ok so we're all meeting there at the new buffet place around 4. is that good with you two?"

"yeah i'll just shower real quick" chan said walking to the closet in the hallway and grabbing a towel.

once chan left the room, hyunjin walked closer to the younger.

"why are the circles under your eyes so dark? i haven't seen them like that in a long time." hyunjin said poking the younger.

"i don't know, i just couldn't sleep again. my stuffed animal that i usually have for this stuff was in your room! and chan was in your room, i couldn't just wake him.!" jeongin sighs.

"bruh chan doesn't even sleep, there's no way you could have been disruptive" the older brother chuckles.

jeongin just looks down at his lap. he then sits himself on his bed and just lets himself sink into it.

after a bit, the oldest out of the both of them returned.

he looks hot with wet hair.. jeongin thought.

"wait, what the chicken nuggets" jeongin said out loud.

the others heads turned to him with both questioning looks.

"haha.. it's nothing" he shook his head.

"whatever you say.." chan says as he puts on his sweatshirt.

sorry for posting late again >~<
this might be happening (me posting late) for the next month maybe due to me being busy.
also, i'm trying to make this drag out kinda, so like make this book longer
anyways, till next time :D

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