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the sound of the alarm going off woke up chan. chan yawned and stretched out his arms, standing up to go check if jeongin was awake.

he opened the youngers door slightly, and walked in.

" jeongin," he whispered, "it's time to get up"

seeing no movement from the bed he decided to take the cover off the bed.

"jeongin?" he asked noticing the boy was gone.

" jeongin?" he yelled.

"down here" he heard a small voice reply to him coming from downstairs.

chan walked down the stairs and looked in the kitchen then in the living room.

there on the couch laid jeongin staring at the tv that was off.

jeongin looked up and walked over to chan and hugged him with a tired smile.

chan took notice of the dark purple bags under his eyes and asked about it. "whoa.. are you ok?"

"yeah i'm fine, just didn't sleep well."he smiled.

chan shook his head.

"you need to rest, baby." the 'baby' coming out naturally from the amount of times he calls jeongin it.

jeongin blushed a bit at the name, but turned down the idea.

"we have school today, and i'll get in trouble if i miss" he tried to explain

"why will you get in trouble? you don't have anything important going on today?"

jeongin shook his head. why was he trying to get him to stay home?

"then stay home and rest! you're clearly tired. it's not good nor healthy to be like that." he spoke.

" fine, but if i get in trouble it's your fault!" the fox like boy said trying to sound threatening.

chan laughed a bit. " alright tiny child! off to bed you go again" he said picking up the young boy and taking him back upstairs.

"put me down!" jeongin laughed.

chan put him down and tucked him in like a toddler. "what else do you need?"

jeongin looked up and then looked back into his blankets. "c-cuddles?" he asked pouting.

"cuddles?" the older giggles. "anything for the baby of course"

ahh sorry for the short chapter 🥺
i'm just trying to get a few chapters ready for the next  few weeks.
quick question: is it just me or when ever i read a book and read all the authors notes i feel like we're friends? like idek it's weird
bruh i need friends 😔👊

Cuddles//jeongchan Where stories live. Discover now