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"So we're going back to the feudal era because?", Akemi said, tapping her foot on the tile floor, looking more restless than ever.

Yuni looked back at her sister, "Yes, yes we are. It's only for two-ish days. Besides, don't you think Sesshomaru's siblings have a right to know about the marriage."

"Oh sis, I have no problems with that," she stated, "It's just he has a lot of them. I mean there's Arata, Isao, Chiyoko, Kayo-."

"Noriko, Dai, Hisao, Rie. Not to mention his mother as well," Goten continued as he walked downstairs holding a bag, "Yuni, I don't know if you fully know what you're getting into. Their family is not like ours."

"I think I am perfectly capable of handling Sesshomaru's family," Yuni said, placing her hands on her hips.

Her siblings knew Sesshomaru's family very well, having grown up with most of them. His family wasn't as close as their's was. Many of the siblings split off to live their own lives by the time most of Yuni's siblings were of adult demon age. It didn't bother Yuni. She knew she must be strong to establish herself as a worthy member of her family. This was not the time for her family to be telling her to back down.

Sure, for her, her first trip to the feudal era did not go well, but this would make up for it. The group going with her was a small one. Just Sesshomaru, Goten, Akemi, Inuyasha, Kagome and herself. No one else needed to go. Rin protested, but Sesshomaru quickly quieted her. Yuni gave Rin a tight hug and promised they would be before Rin knew it. That seemed to calm them both down. Jaken was increasingly angry at the fact that he wasn't allowed to go with them to meet Sesshomaru's family. He felt that it was an insult to his character, but Yuni swiftly explained to him that he needed to stay for Rin.

Within hours they were ready to go. Goten and Akemi directed the group to the temple on the grounds of the castle. Yuni and Kagome both knew they were never allowed to go there. Even now that they were both eighteen, they could still hear Goten's looming voice warning them to stay away. ~Memories of s simpler time.~ Yuni thought as they grew closer.

Goten quietly opened the shoji doors and entered inside motioning for everyone to come, "We must do this the respected way as to not offend any lingering spirits."

Yuni nodded, walking inside, "All these years you have been keeping this place hidden from everyone. All the secret meetings here and there. All for a portal through time."

"Somehow this makes sense," Kagome said as she entered and looked around.

It was as though they had stepped back in time. Everything looked as it did five-hundred years ago. Goten took pride in keeping it that way. Everything in the room had a purpose. There were spells keeping things in place and scrolls lining the walls. It was so different than anything Yuni had ever seen.

There were many things Yuni wanted to question but knew she had no time to dwell on the past. Now that she had Sesshomaru, she had to show his family that they were the perfect couple. This was the make it or break it moment for everyone involved. ~We either gain their blessing or we rebel against their wishes. I wonder which will happen.~ Yuni thought as she made her way to the well at the center of the temple.

"It's now or never," she said, turning to face everyone in the room, "Does anyone have any objections?"

"Yeah, but you're gonna do it anyway, Yu-Yu," Akemi said, walking over to the well.

"Good, anyone else?" Yuni said and waited for a moment, "No? No. Good. Let's go."

Yuni decided to go first. This was her idea, after all. Just as she was about to go into the well, she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Sesshomaru, and he was standing right next to her. His presence calmed her inner fears. He helped her enter the well and followed closely behind holding her hand. Everyone else followed shortly after.

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