Chapter XIII - What Heroes Do

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As we headed to the Valkyrie headquarters, Brie's appearance somewhat changed, but not by much. The tips of her hair went a deep black, and the metal on her wrist guards and boots went black, with some white additions. She still had her red bikini on, but it was just us. To be fair, I had the same thing on, but with the snap of my fingers, my hoodie and shorts appeared, since I already had my boots on.

Me: Just being honest, that look suits you.

Brie: Are you flirting?

Me: No, just girl talk.

Brie: Good, because if it wasn't, I'm gonna have to kill ya.

We both laughed, and continued to the main room, where the crystal stood. Well, hovered, actually.

Brie: So, this is what powers us?

Me: Yes. Within us flows it's power. This crystal is the reason for our existence. We defend it, and this world with our lives.

Brie: I can live with that.

Me: Yeah, it's you, and eleven more. I don't know when they show up, but I know that they will...

Brie: Are you like the queen around here?

Me: Yeah, I guess so.

Brie: "Red Queen..." Eh, Rolls of the tongue.

Me: "Red Queen." I like it.

We headed into the city, which was filling up with synthetic people, made from the red sand. But they were still our people. My people. We transported back to the real world, and saw a red tear, like broken glass in the sky. We headed outside, and saw demons, like giant manta rays, flying out of the portal. Suddenly, we saw Wynter and Allister fly out of nowhere, and land on two of them. They wrapped their shadows around the creatures, and controlled them. I teleported to him, and leapt for one of them. I managed to land perfectly on the demon, and I covered it in my energy. It tried to resist, but soon obeyed. It flew into a red portal, and went to Valkiya. I jumped off before it went through, and landed on my feet. Allister, Wynter, Amanda, and Brie soon joined me. Suddenly, hundreds of demons came out of nowhere, and blocked all exits. We had nowhere to go. We stood, ready to fight, when Amanda was cloaked in a blue electricity, screaming in pain. The world began to shake, and a blue crystal rose out of the ground. We defended it, while Wynter defended her sister. We eliminated each demon easily, but were eventually overpowered. Allister saw no other way out, than to use the Shadow Bomb, and killed every demon in a mile radius. He fell over, not unconscious, but dizzy. He laid down, trying to collect himself, while a red portal, from hell appeared. Out walked an armored warrior, with a long, two-sided blade.

Me: Who sent you?

???: Name's Rogun. The Devil sent me to destroy that.

Allister: Rogun?

Rogun: Ghost?

Allister: Listen, Mac, I know you're loyal to the devil, but you can't destroy that.

Rogun: Watch me.

He ran towards it, but Ghost held him back. Amanda was in even more pain, screaming even louder, and Wynter was scared. She didn't know if her sister was going to die or not. I looked back at Allister, who held his own, but was given a swift punch to the jaw, knocking him out cold. Rogun went closer to the crystal, but Brie and I held him back with our red magic. A red pentagram appeared behind him, and a shadowy hand touched his shoulder.

???: HERE...

He suddenly became much stronger, and grew a red, vein-like pattern on his silver armor. He pushed us off, and saw Amanda, screaming at the top of her lungs, crying in pain.

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