Chapter XXV - Hallowed Be Thy Name

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(The Next Morning, Ghost's POV...)

I slowly opened my eyes, and looked at Wynter, still asleep on my chest. I looked over to Jake and Brie on the other couch, and looked just behind Wynter. Zeph was laying with Amanda on the other end of the couch.

I guess they do travel in herds.

Wynter slowly got up, holding on tighter, while slowly opening her eyes.

Me:  Hey, beautiful.

Wynter: Babe...

We layed there even longer, while Jake and Brie woke up, then Zeph and Amanda.

Jake: What a bunch of babe killers we are, huh?

Zeph: Man, our kids are gonna have it made!

One of the few topics that worried me. Kids.

Wynter slowly got off me, and headed to the kitchen, still in her underwear, and soon the girls joined her, obviously in similar clothes. While Zeph and Jake stared in awe like a bunch of idiots, I headed to the basement to let off some steam on a punching bag. I let out a wicked right, and followed up with two lefts, and another hard right. I then went for a left-left-right-backfist combo, the back of my fist slamming against the bag. I could feel the rage slowly weakening, and stopped at it's minimum. Thankfully, it didn't bug them upstairs, so I was free to let loose. I used my gauntlet, charging up a powerful rocket punch.


I was a bit surprised when Nekros spoke, but it didn't stop me from decimating the punching bag. It hit the wall with a loud thud, sand pouring out of a large hole.


That is called "Exceed". One of our many powers.

Huh. No wonder I feel like a can of red bull.

One of Exceed's abilities boosts your energy, as well as your strength and reflexes. It has three stages. First is basic, and gets the job done. Second stage takes longer to charge, but does more damage. The Third and final stage does the most damage, but takes the longest to charge. All you need to do is think of the words, and it happens.

Alright, I see where this is going...

After an hour, I headed upstairs to see everyone dressed, and doing their own thing. The computer went off, and Nikki rushed down.

Nikki: Alright, let me see what we have here... We have two Garudas inbound, and... something else. A different kind of energy we've never seen.

Me: Do you know what?

Nikki: I can't pinpoint it. You'll have to see for yourselves.

Jake: Boys, let's move out.

All the guys headed outside, and we flew down the street with our badass dragon wings of badassery, each of us with our signature colors. We landed, but the Garudas were dead. Instead, we saw a group of edgy-looking people, with black wings, kinda like crows. Two women, three men. One of them wore more "important" armor.

Assholes. Being Edgy is my deal!

Me: Who the hell are you guys?

???: In case you didn't catch on, buddy-boy, we're Fallen Angels.

You should have seen this coming-

Yeah, I know!

Me: And that's supposed to make us scared?

???: Absolutely! We're the most powerful brings on earth? Oh- where are my manners? My name... is Meszrio. Commander of the Fallen Army. And you are?

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