Chapter XXVII - You Can't Get One Day Off, Can You?

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I laid on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

Wynter: You ok?

Me: Yeah, just thinking.

Wynter: About what?

Me: Stuff.

Wynter: What kinda stuff?

Me: Do you think there's an Otter that plays basketball named "Shaquille O'Seal?"

Wynter: . . . What The Fuck?

Brie: It's best not to ask. His mind can be a scary place.

Me: She's right, don't ask.

I continued to stare at the ceiling, and looked at my reflection off of the edge of Rebellion. For a split second, I saw Damien's reflection in myself, and I hesitated for a moment.

What the...

I looked closer into it, and continued to see my reflection.

I won't turn into him. Never.

Standing back up, I headed outside to get some fresh air, and I ran into Sadie.

Sadie: Hey, got a sec?

Me: Yeah, of course.

Sadie: I heard you're going to take down Damien once and for all?

Me: Yeah, we're going to end this.

Sadie: Count me in.

Me: What?

Sadie: I want to help you kill Damien.

Me: Sadie, I can't let you do that.

Sadie: Why?

Me: This is our fight. I can't let you do this. If we all died, I wouldn't forgive myself. We need at least someone to survive.

Sadie: Damien killed my sister. Since that day, I swore vengeance. We all did. You can't stop us now.

Damn, she has a point.

Me: Alright, but don't let it become a habit.

She gave me a hug and a kiss, and I was on my way.

???: Well, well...

I looked up towards the blue skies and saw both Meszrio and Azzria hovering in the sky.

Me: Man, do I really need to release Otachi on you two?

The two looked hesitant, but I couldn't summon Otachi here, he'd destroy the place.

Meszrio: No matter, we came here to kill you!!

He charged at me, but I quickly dodged to the right, and smashed his head into the pavement with an axe kick. Everyone else joined me outside and took down the Fallen Angels attacking. Azzria charged me as well, but I kicked her twice and enziguried her, sending her into the pavement next to Meszrio.

???: Both of you are useless.

We looked up in the sky to see a man with white and gold armor, black hair, and blue eyes.

Me: You must be Zariel.

Zariel: I am. And you're the Black Dragon Emperor?

Me: As a matter of fact.

Zariel: I hope you put up a better challenge then the other rabble.

Me: Alright... But don't say I didn't warn ya.

We flew towards each other, clashing swords and landing punches and kicks in the sky, I sheathed Rebellion to be able to use Nekros.

Nekros: EXCEED!

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