Chapter XXVIII - Optional Tutoring

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I woke up next to Sadie, who was just waking up as well.

Me: Mornin', sunshine.

Sadie: Morning...

I lifted the blanket up and checked under the bandages to check if her wound had fully healed, and it had. She got up perfectly, and turned to me.

Sadie: I... I want to thank you for being in my life. I know the path we're on ends with Damien either way, but one way or another, I'm glad I met you.

Me: So am I. You're a beautiful person, I couldn't be happier to have someone like you in my life.

She blushed, and gave me a kiss, and left.

Welp... Up and at 'em.

I rolled out of bed and onto the floor, and got up. Heading downstairs, the girls blushed as Zeph, Jake and I all showed up wearing jeans but no shirts, showing off our muscles.

Zeph: Is this some kinda coincidence?

Jake: Hey, great minds think alike.

Me: Dude, you're saying that to the guy who just tried to make a homemade bomb from soda cans, barbed wire, and leftover gunpowder.


Zeph: Alright, I just need to make a couple adjustments...

Me: What's he doing?

Max: Making a bomb.

Me: Don't be ridiculous.

I looked over to Zeph.

Me: Zephyr... whaddya doing?

Zeph: Making a bomb.

I looked back to Max.

Max: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Me: (・・;)

Zeph: Hey, this time, it'll work!

Me: "This time?"

Max: Last time he did something like this, he tried to hang a pirate.

Zeph: What? It's good to hang pirates!

Flashback End

Note to self: Keep Zephyr out of the basement.

Just as I threw a shirt on, my right arm, forearm down to the tips of my fingers, began to tingle, and my vision changed to a tinted red.

Jake: Ghost... Your eyes...

Zeph: What's going on?-

Me: -Demons.

I ran outside and saw three phantoms flying out of the red rift in the middle of the sky.

Trying to prepare me, Father?

I ran out towards them, but then came up with a simpler idea:


Otachi flew out of the window, and halfway into his pursuit, he changed into the gigantic beast.

That's more like it.

As Otachi took care of the phantoms, I took care of the demons appearing in the streets of the red skied city. I hacked and slashed my way through the streets, showing no remorse for the demons. I finished slaying the demons, and stood at the end of the street, slowly looking back at the corpses, who faded into ashes.

Me: I didn't say you could live.

???: How goes work?

I quickly turned around and saw my father, standing a few meters behind me.

Me: Dad?

Samael: I need you and your brothers. I just want to give you an... "Update" on your powers...


Soon enough, Jake, Zeph, Grimm and Max had joined us in the city, while we learned from our father about what we could do, like wiping memories, and FUCKING MIND CONTROL. Also, he taught us how to manipulate Hell's Energy, and the different kinds of HELL energy, such as Void Hell Energy, Destruction Hell Energy, Restoration Hell Energy, Conjuration Hell Energy, and more. He also taught Jake and I how to banish enemies to the 10,000 Agonies, where endless torment awaited them. Also, a lot more. He also taught the guys about Hell Games, such as Predator Hunts and whatnot. He even taught us how to master our Hell Gear.


Jake/Me: HELL GEAR!!

Our gauntlets summoned, and held our arms out towards each other.

Jake: You're going down, old man!

Me: We're the same age, dumbass.

We ran at each other, calling out random attacks as we went.


Jake: BURST!

He sent three silver-black orbs at me, while we practiced deflecting and countering each other's attacks.

Me: Who's the old one now?

Jake: Still the same age!

Me: *Shit, I forgot about that.*

I used Devil's Bane, and forced him into a wall.

Jake: Nice one!

Me: Thanks, I saved it for you!

Jake: Aww, you shouldn't have! Here, LET ME!

He opened up with a right hook, laying me on the ground.

Me: Damn, I actually felt that.

He held his hand out, and I grabbed it.

Me: Thanks.

Jake: No prob.

While the other guys were sparring, we kept training. All day, all night. We were gonna be better than Damien. All of us.

It was time to end this. One More Time.

The Last Time.

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