Chapter XVI - Superhumans

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Amanda's POV, Three Years Later

As I headed across the rooftop, sniping the last few demons with my bow, I was struck by a dull arrow in the chin. It didn't exactly hurt, but left a hell of a bruise.

Ow! The Hell?!

I looked around, but felt the same arrow lay into the back of my knee, bouncing off, and stinging like hell.

Ow, Shit! This was supposed to be a normal job!

I decided to make one last leap over a building, and was taken down by an arrow to the chest, completely stopping my momentum, and I just caught the edge of a window ceil, and jumped down.

Who the hell is firing all those shots?

From the other alley across the street, I saw two more arrows fly at me. I dodged them both easily, but they were rigged with explosives, blowing up behind me. Knocked into the street, I looked over to see armored guards, red and black color scheme, then, out of a red fog coming from their largest helicarrier, out came the lady in red.

Serene: Well, well, what do we have here?

Me: Of course... You of all people...

Serene: Load her up.

They shot me in the leg with a tranquilizer, and loaded me into the carrier, blacking out. I woke up in a dark, futuristic prison cell, as big as a bedroom, (10x10-ish to be exact,) and sat on the bench, wearing bulky handcuffs with a long, green light surging through them. Serene came to my cell, two guards standing behind her. She walked into my cell, and had the guards position two rifles on me.


I sat there while she spoke.

Serene: Do you wanna know who sold you out?

Me: Someone sold me out?

Serene: Don't be mad at me. I'm just doing it for the betterment of mankind.

Me: For mankind... What have they done for you?

Serene: They offered me more that whatever the big man has to offer. But, he still welcomes me at the table.

Me: And "he" would be?

She left me there, closing the gate behind me.

Serene: Oh, and don't try to use your magic with those cuffs on.

Curious, I tried to summon a metal rod, but I couldn't.

Must be hitting me with Brainwave-EMP-neuro- Oh, just fuck it.

I waited there, doing nothing, just laying on my "bed." If you can even call it a bed. More like a metal board and a pillow. Hell, an air mattress would have done it. In the meantime, I wondered who ratted me out. Who did it, but more importantly, Why? I highly doubt someone from the crew did it, because we stopped hanging out since we lost Nikki. First, Al, then we all went our separate ways. The only people who stayed were Sam, Sadie, Wynter and I. Even then, we hadn't heard from Sam since she went to track down Damien.

The Next Day

Waking up, feeling somewhat relieved, I looked around my cell for ways out. I saw a metal panel, held together by four screws. I tried to wriggle my hands out of the cuffs, but to no avail. Suddenly, I heard someone walking down the hallway, which turned into a lot of footsteps. Serene came through, and had Sam, Wynter and Sadie with her.

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