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[Three Months Later]

"Where is my Juul?!" Jungkook practically screamed as the group ran around like headless chickens trying to get all of their stuff together to leave the hotel room in order to get to their interview on time.

Namjoon simply rolled his eyes at the younger, shooting me a smirk before grabbing Jungkook by the collar and pushing him out the door, ignoring his demands for his mango flavoured vape. I followed behind them, Namjoon's arm resting on my shoulder as we made our way into the tour bus.

Back in America, but this time we had reached an equilibrium. He allowed me to be part of his life, and I loved him for that. It was no longer that his job and his relationship with me were separate, and that seemed to bring us closer than ever before.

It was set to be an interview like any other. The boys sat in makeup chairs while I flicked through bad tabloid magazines, sipping some iced tea and eating a complimentary muffin. I saw occasionally the staff at the venue would look at me with a cocked eyebrow, wondering who I was or why I was there but usually the tour managers would say I was just part of the staff to avoid questions.

As the boys took their seats I went to go sit behind the camera to watch them, always finding it amusing to see them act so serious and professional. Unlike some of the interviews they did, this one promised to be a more respectable interview which focused on the group's music not their favourite colour.

The first few questions were centred around their musical inspiration, their drive to continue doing what they loved, what their message was to their listeners. And then, things got deeper.

"Around half a year ago you suffered something that most artists see in their nightmares, a scandal which threatened to destroy your careers," the interviewer said, and I could already see the boys tense up at the reference, "I guess my only question about this - given that you've spoken so much about it since - is if you ever wished it didn't happen? Not just the scandal but your actions that led to it? Do you ever wish you hadn't met Y/N?"

At hearing my own name I let out a small gasp, and I could see the boys' brains move at lightening speed. But I also saw Namjoon clench his jaw, and I immediately feared whatever was going to come out of his mouth.

"We live by the rule that we don't regret anything, but we learn from it," Namjoon replied icily, trying his best to move away from this topic.

"But surely your lives would have been made easier without it?" The interviewer pried, and in that moment I saw something snap inside Namjoon.

Maybe it was the jet lag, maybe he was just tired, or maybe he was tired of hiding.

"My life would have been a lot greyer without it," Namjoon said, and while his voice wasn't raised I could tell he was beyond angry, "It was through that scandal that I found love-"

He was cut off by Yoongi saving the whole exchange, speaking about how the scandal made them realise they needed to be more accountable for their actions. Namjoon slumped back into his seat and barely spoke for the rest of the interview. My heart had stopped beating when he said those words, and I had no idea where those words would take us.

I kissed his forehead when he finished the interview, and he left me to go speak to Bang PD on the phone. Biting my fingernails in the hotel room, the nerves wouldn't leave me regardless of how hard I tried to shake them. We had been doing so well, and we finally seemed to have worked out the formula for loving each other.

A knock at the door surprised me, and I opened it with hesitancy to find Bang PD on the other side of the door. Alone. Furrowing my eyebrows, I let the man in and offered him a glass of water which he took.

"[Y/N], I know you probably think I'm the bearer of bad news here," he said slowly, his kind eyes looking directly into mine, "But I've spoken to Namjoon, and I can promise you everything is okay."

"It is?" I asked with a shaky and uncertain voice, wondering if this was all just a way to disguise the horrible reality that would follow.

"Seeing you two in love has warmed my heart," he replied, "And I haven't seen Namjoon so happy in so long. Screw the backlash that will follow, screw everyone who hates on you or on the band. They're not the fans we want anyway. I will continue to support you as a couple."

I wanted to hug the man but I wasn't sure if that was appropriate, so instead I found myself bursting into tears. Joyous tears. For once it felt like the universe was on my side, for once it felt like everything had fallen into place.

Later that night as Namjoon and I lay in bed, our fingers intertwined and our bodies naked, I thought about how right this all felt. It was like things had finally clicked and I was seeing the world through a new lens.

"I'm proud of you for sticking up for me," I whispered to him, "Even though you didn't need to."

"When he mentioned your name I lost it - I just started seeing red. I was so angry," he replied, turning to face me so that I could just about see the glint in his eyes.

Instead of replying I pressed my lips against his, and for that brief moment I felt like the world had stopped moving so goddamn fast. It was just the two of us. In that bed. And that was so beautiful I could have cried.



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