Chapter 2|Bowling

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Chapter 2|Bowling

Kate woke up to her husband looking at her with a massive smile on his face.

"Good morning my beautiful wife," he said and Kate smiled. He leaned down to kissed her.

"Good morning my handsome husband," she said and they smiled and stared into each others eyes until Rick broke the silence.

"I made you some pancakes and coffee," he said.

Kate smiled and sat up seeing a tray on the end of the bed with pancakes shaped into hearts with fruit, a cup of coffee and a vase with a rose in it.

"Oh Rick, it looks amazing thank you," she kissed him passionately.

"Always," he replied, kissing her back and placed the tray over her lap.

She smiled and cuddled up to Rick as she ate her pancakes. After every other bite, she would feed Rick a piece.

When Kate had finished, Rick took the tray and placed it on the beside table. Then turned back to Kate and was surprised by her lips on his. Rick smiled deepening the kiss and moving so he was laying over her on the bed.

"I like your thinking, Mr. Castle," Kate smiled kissing Rick.

He took off her top and she took of his boxers. He was just about to start their round of passion when they heard a knock at the door and they froze.

"Dad, Kate, are you awake?" Kate quickly put her top back on and Rick put his boxers on and they sat up in bed like they hadn't been about to make love.

"Yeah, we're awake," Rick replied and Alexis popped her head through the door.

"Hey, whats up," Kate asked as Alexis sat on the bed. 

"I was supposed to be going out with Paige but she cancelled on me," Alexis said and dropped her head.

"How about we do something? You, me, your dad, and Martha. We have the day off," Kate suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," Rick replied.

"Can we go bowling?" Alexis asked.

"Of course, that's sounds like a lot of fun," Kate said smiling.

"I'll go change," Alexis said, jumping off the bed and going up to get changed.

"We better get changed as well then," Kate said, getting up off the bed and leaned down to kiss Rick.

"Or we can carry on from earlier," Rick waggled his eyebrows and kissing her another time.

"We can finish when we get back," she looked back at him and swayed her hips as she walked into the bathroom.

After they changed Rick, Kate, Alexis, and Martha went bowling. Alexis won the first game and now it was neck and neck between Kate and Rick.

It was Kate's turn and she needed 3 points to beat Rick. She bowled, got a strike and won. Her arms went up in the air and she spun around.

"YES!" she shouted and Alexis ran to hug her.

Rick smiled watching his two girls. Kate went to him and wrapped her hands around his neck kissing him.

"Bad luck, babe," she smiled biting her lip.

"I'll get you back when we get home," he said seductivly and Kate smiled, leaning to his ear.

"Cant wait," she whispered and kissed him deep and passionate.

"Cant you two wait until we get home?" Alexis said quite loud and started laughing.

"Come on lets go," Rick smiled wrapping his arm around Kate's waist and she did the same.

Once they got back to the loft, Martha and Alexis went to their rooms leaving them alone.

When they left, Rick took Kate's hand and lead her to the bedroom. They took off each others clothes and he laid her on the bed. He climbed up until he was hovering over her.

"I love you Kate."

"I love you too Rick, so much," he leaned down and kissed her and continued what they started that morning.
{653 words}

A/N: Umm cringe. Vote and comment!!!

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