Chapter 3|Or Should I Say Castle-Castle?

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Chapter 3|Or Should I Say Castle-Castle?

Kate woke up early. It was their first day back at work after two weeks of vacation. She went to go brew some coffee, letting Castle sleep a little longer.

Once the coffee was done, she padded her way into their bedroom. Setting the cup down on his nightstand and leaned down to touch her lips to his.

He was awake by now with Kate on top of him. She pulled away from him and smiled into his eyes.

"First day back after two and a half weeks of being gone and I don't wanna be late so get your ass up and dressed," she demanded, getting up to get dressed. "Oh and coffee is right there."

He followed to where her hand was pointing and smiled.

"Castle, I'm serious. Get dressed," she said sternly. He quickly got up at the stare he was getting and got dressed.

They made their way to the precinct elevator hand-in-hand. Kate pushed the forth floor button and the doors closed.

She turned to Castle. "Okay, the boys are going to ask questions and be all lovey-dovey on us so please, behave."

"Yeah, of course, but-"

"Nope," she said cutting him off.

"You didn't even know what I was going to say." He turned his body fully towards her.

"Yes I did," she said a little to fast.

"No, you didn't." He was pushing her and it was cute.

"Yes, I did," she repeated and he smiled.

"Then what was I going to say?" he asked all smart.

"Something about us. How amazing the sex was."

"It," he huffed and raised his brows, taking it back to all the good times they had, "was pretty amazing but that's not what I was going to say." The doors opened and they walked out.

"Fine, what were you going to say then?" she asked.

"I was going to say it'll be a little hard because the boys are like you in the interrogation room. They will never leave me alone," he said as they made there way to Kate's desk.

'Thank God the boys aren't here yet' she thought.

"Well, you can tell them about it, just not our ideas in the love-making part," she tried to say serious but it didn't work.

"Why?" He eyed her, smirking, "you want them to be our little secrets?"

"Maybe," she said quietly and the two other detectives came walking in.

"Hey Beckett, Castle!" Espo said coming to stand in front of Beckett's desk, "Or should I say Castle and Castle?" He smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"Ooo," Castle pipped in, "I like the sound of that."

"Uh, yeah, how about for work, it's Beckett, and for other purposes but work it's Castle," Beckett said.

"Aww, I really liked the Castle-Castle thing. It sounded cool," Ryan said beside Espo.

"I do too," she looked over at Castle and smiled then returned her gaze to the boys, "but at work it's Beckett."

"Alright, whatever you say boss," Espo said turning around and heading to his desk where the phone was ringing. He picked it up, wrote a few things down, then walked back over to the other three, "We gotta fresh one."

They arrived at the crime scene a couple minutes later. It was the basic murder, victim was shot in the chest with no wallet or I.D.

The victim was female and looked to be in her late 20's, early 30's. Beckett made her way over to where Lanie was, identifying the body.

"Hey Lane," Beckett said as he crouched down next to her best friend.

"Hey is right. I've missed you girl," Lanie hugged her, "How was it?"

"Good, we had a fun time," She said and Lanie gave her a look, "just tell me what we have."

"Kay, but I want the details later," said Lanie and she turned back to the body. "Okay, we have no I.D. but given the paint on her clothing she is probably a painter. She's in her mid 30's and C.O.D looks like this gun shot wound to the chest. But, there are abrasions around her neck and wrist so I will no exactly what killed her at the lab."

"Do you have a T.O.D?" Beckett asked.

"Oh yeah, I would say around 11 PM to 1 AM. I can narrow that down at the morgue," Lanie informed her. Beckett nodded and got up.

"Okay, thanks," She turned around to find the boys who were huddled in a corner with Castle in the inside. "Hey guys, canvas the area. See if anyone saw anything and find an I.D." The boys turned to her.

"Will do, boss," Ryan answered and he left with Espo.

Kate walked over to her husband who looked scared, she could only laugh.

"Wow," she said stopping in front of him.

"Yeah, I know. I told you they're like you" He looked at her and she laughed.

"Man up Castle, they aren't that bad," he still had a scared look on his face so she asked, "Will a kiss make it better?"

"Yes," his face was now a huge grin as she stood on her tippy-toes to place her lips on his.

"Okay, now let's go back to the precinct," she said.

"Or we could go back to the loft and go for a round 2," he suggested.

"Later," she said and they headed back to the precinct.
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