Chapter 5|Six Weeks

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Chapter 5|Six Weeks

-1 month later-
"Not again," Kate sighed as she looked down at the negative pregnancy test she held in her hand.

She sat in the bathroom at the precinct looking at the test, this was her fourth test this month and they were all negative.

They had been trying for nearly two months and Kate had started to think something was wrong with her, that she was the reason they weren't pregnant.

Kate sat there for a few minutes, she composed herself, put the test in her bag, and walked back to her desk and saw Rick making coffee in the break room and she walked towards him.

"Hey, was does it say," Rick smiled looking at Kate, but as soon as he saw her face he knew it was negative.

Kate walked into his arms and cried into his chest. Rick instantly wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back.

"I'm so sorry, Rick," Kate sobbed, "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault Kate. We will just have to keep trying," he kissed her head keeping her close to him.

"What if it is my fault, what if there is something wrong with me and I cant get pregnant," Kate cried harder into his chest.

"How about I make an appointment to see a doctor tomorrow," he kissed her head and Kate nodded, agreeing with Rick to see the doctor.

Rick lifted Kate's chin and wiped her tears from her eyes, "How about we get out of here. It's 6 o'clock on a friday and there isn't a murder, I'll get us some Chinese."

"Okay," she looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

"Theres that gorgeous smile I love so much," Kate blushed and took his hand leading him to the elevator which they rode down to her car and Rick drove home.

Once they got to the loft, Kate took of her shoes, put her bag on the table, and laid on the sofa. Rick watched her and ordered their Chinese. Afterwards, he rang up the doctors to make an appointment.

When he was done, he sat on the end of the sofa and Kate moved laying her head on his lap and Rick ran his hand through her hair.

"What times the appointment tomorrow?" she mumbled against his lap.

"11:30, I made sure we got in," Kate closed her eyes until their food arrived. After they ate dinner, they laid in bed, Kate in Ricks arms while he read her a story.

"Babe," Kate said quietly, looking up at Rick.

"Yes my beautiful wife," he smiled kissing her head.

"Could we maybe try again before we go to the doctors tomorrow?" Rick answered by laying her down and laying over her kissing her and she kissed him back.

The next morning they were sat in the doctors room waiting for their name to be called out holding each others hands.

"Kate, your squeezing too tight," Rick winced.

"Sorry, I didn't realize," she loosened her grip and kissed his hand.

"Mr and Mrs Castle?" the nurse called and they both stood up and walked into a room. "So what can I help you with?"

"Well we've been trying for over a month to get pregnant and nothings happened and I was wondering if there was something wrong," Kate asked, still holding ricks hand.

"Well lets get you on the bed and we will do some tests," Kate nodded and the nurse helped her on the bed with Rick sitting by her side.

After the nurse did the tests, she left the room and came back with the results and sat both Kate and Rick down.

"I have your results back. Mrs. Castle theres nothing wrong," Kate was in shock hearing those words.

"How can that be we've been trying and nothings happened."

"Mrs. Castle you're already pregnant," Rick and Kate's faces went into shock.

"Pardon?" Rick asked, not sinking in.

"Mr. Castle your wife is six weeks pregnant not all women experience the morning sickness. And the tests are never 100% right," Kate smiled wide turning to Rick.

"Babe, six weeks, we were on our honeymoon," Rick smiled. 

Kate thanked the doctor and they walked out. Rick smiled wrapping his arms around her waist and rested his hand on her stomach.

Kate stopped at the car, "We are having a baby."

"Yea we are," Rick smiled kissing her, "our beautiful amazing baby."

They stood at the car in silence staring at each other thinking about the life they have created.
{791 words}

A/N: Okay, I really wrote Kate's character badly... but it's fine. It's fine. Vote and comment!!

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