Chapter 4|All Yours, No One Else's

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Chapter 4|All Yours, No One Else's

They got a couple leads on their new case. Espo and Ryan were out checking on them while Kate and Rick stayed back to look at financial issues with the victim.

They I.D. her as a painter, as Lanie said, late thirty's, and her name was Rebecca Hall. The person who found her lying dead in that alley said she had a boyfriend and told them about Rebecca's problems. That's what Espo and Ryan were doing.

"Coffee?" Castle asked halfway out of his chair.

"Um, yes, please," Beckett responded while concentrating on her computer screen. He smiled at her, taking her mug, and walked into the break room.

He came out a little later, with both mugs in his hand and smiling. As he sat down in his chair, he set her mug by her and she looked at it.

"Really, Castle?" she smiled, looking down at her cup again.

There was a heart in foam and piece of paper tied to the handle saying, 'I love you but can we get the hell outta here?'.

"What?" he asked as if innocent. "But please?"

"Babe, I'm not leaving in the middle of the day and in the middle of a case," she gave him an apologetic look.

"Fine," he crossed his arms over his chest. Beckett laughed and turned back to her computer. After a minute or two he asked, "Kate?"

"Hmm?" she hummed, a bit annoyed.

"When/if-," he started and she cut him off.

"If?" she turned her attention to her man-child husband.

"Well, you never know," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Castle women can't just get pregnant the first time they try to have a baby."

"I know, but it has happened," he smiled and she rolled her eyes. "Anyways, when/if," she gave him a glare, "your with child, what do you think it will be? Boy or girl?"

"When," she glared at him as she was saying that word, "I am, I don't know. I guess I don't really care. What about you?"

"I want it to be a boy," Beckett rolled her eyes, "because then I would have someone to play with and we would play laser tag and-"

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Espo cut in. They must've not heard them come in. Beckett eyed Castle as he opened his mouth to say something and cut him off.

"Nothing," she took a sip of her coffee, trying not to gain eye contact with her co-workers.

"Mm-hmm," Ryan nodded, "well the boyfriend definately didn't do it, he had an air tight alibi. We talked to the parents and they didn't seem to give us anything, just that Rebecca was a good girl who never did anything bad."

"I didn't find anything unusual in her financial and her e-mails, texts, call list," Beckett informed the boys.

"So, we have nothing," Castle jumped in, all three heads looking his direction and ready for a crazy theory.

"What about where she works?" Beckett asked, looking at the murderboard.

"Well, according to her boss, everyone loved her and couldn't believe someone would kill her," Espo informed her.

"So we still have nothing," Castle said again.

"Not necessarily," Beckett said turning to him.

"What do we have then?" He asked and straightened up in his chair leaning towards her.

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