12| Trouble

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Jin's POV 🌸

When daylight broke, I sat up on the bed and yawned as I stretched the tiredness out of me.

I didn't want to wake up but I had to in order to start my day.

After I yawned, I glanced over and then smiled.

Akami was still asleep but he was so cute the way he was curled up in a ball.

I started to rub the back of Akami's head soothingly before hearing him sigh and then catching him smile in his sleep.

Then Akami started to wake up before yawning and stretching the tiredness out of his body.

After he woke up, he opened his eyes and looked at me with the most cutest look on his face.

I gushed in adore and gave Akami a hug after that.

"Mornin' to you too, Jin..." Akami said as he chuckled a little and hugged me back.

I smiled before giving Akami a kiss on the cheek in response to what he said.

"I can't help it when I hug you...You're just so cute!" I say as I nuzzled him by the neck.

Akami chuckled a little after I mentioned that.

"I know that...." Akami replied before he gave me a kiss.

I kissed Akami back before we got ready for today.

After we got ready, me and Akami headed downstairs before we started to eat breakfast.

Once we finished eating and stepped outside, we went out for a walk.

Akami's POV 🔮

As we were walking, minding our own business, I suddenly got hit in the head by a small rock.

"Ouch." I began as I placed a paw on my head where the rock hitted me at.

"Akami? Are you okay?" Jin asked as she gave me a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm okay...I just got hit in the head by a small rock." I replied.

"Let me see." Jin said as she got down to my level and removed my paw from where I got hit in the head at.

I looked at Jin as she touched it lightly, causing me to suck air through my teeth sharply.

"Does it hurt?" Jin asked.

I nodded my head.

"Here. I'll bandage it up. You're bleeding anyways." Jin replied as she took her backpack off and started to rummage through her bag.

As I waited, I suddenly got hit in the back of the head by more rocks.

"Oww!!!" I said as I held my head in pain.

"What's wrong?" Jin asked as she looked up before she suddenly got hit in the head by a small rock too.

"Ow! Who threw that?!" Jin demanded as she glared at the forest behind us.

Three people stepped out of the bushes and started to throw more rocks at us as I winced in pain from the impact of the small rocks.

Judging by their height, I'd say they looked like they're the same age Jin is.

Then more people appeared and joined in as they continued to throw rocks at us.

They were all boys and girls.

"STOP!" I heard Jin yell as she and I continued to get hit by the small rocks that were thrown at us.

I felt pain increasing in my head as I continued to get hit more by the small rocks those jerks were throwing at us.

I looked at Jin and noticed that she was feeling the same way too.

She was in pain and her head was bleeding like how mine was right now...

Only my head was bleeding more and is alot more worse than Jin's was.

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