Twinsies? Prequel Part 1- Jason Todd

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I hate Tuesdays. First, someone spilled their coffee on me. Second, my subway I take to work was shut down. Third, I was kidnapped by the Joker. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, he decided to make me his new plaything among the other hostages. I just remember him mentioning a new protégé, I mean sure I may be a little crazy but it's normal levels kind of crazy. 

Ever since then I was held in a different room from the other hostages which I assume are all dead. Him and Harley slowly torturing me into insanity, I had to stay strong. Someone had to have known I disappeared; someone would come save me.

"Oh, my darling (y/n) I have a present for youuu." I hear Joker say entering the room. Oh god, what did he want now? I was too tired to open my eyes, the strong dull pain of my shoulders being held up, feet barely touching the ground. I could hear he had something in his hand, waving it around the room.

"Come on (y/n) open those pretty eyes for me." Joker taunts, I feel rage boil through my system. I wish someone would just help me. I hear him walk up to me and take the rag out of my mouth.

"Are you still alive?" He says to himself.

"Piss off." I whisper, just barely opening my eyes.

"Ha, you are alive. Most would have been dead by now, but you don't lose hope, do you?" He asks, his hands grazing my arms.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask, my gruff voice manages to get out.

"Why I just want to mark what is mine." He says, his hands moving down past my aching shoulders. What the hell did that mean?

"Your hope is useless." He states, the strictness of his voice piercing through my soul. Finally, his hands find my jeans, no he can't. I start to struggle, desperately trying to wiggle his hands off me. He unhooks the button and unzips my pants; no this can't happen. He pulls them to my mid thigh.

"Aw, not so hopeful now. Are we?" He teases, his gross trailing down my skin.

"As beautiful as you are though, that's not why I'm here." He says in a sing song voice.

"Harley would never forgive me if I did that, but I will mark you." He says, hands hooking into my underwear. Then antagonizingly pulls them down.

"This is gonna hurt doll." He says before pressing a burning hot object into my right hip. I scream out in pain, almost destroying my voice box. The scorching metal, tearing through my layers of skin and nerves. The smell of burnt flesh fills the room, if I wasn't screaming then I would have thrown up. He pulls off the rod, pulls my pants back up and leaves the room. He marked me.

I hear the faint sound of gunshots and screaming. Did someone get out? Suddenly, it went dead quiet, someone for sure died. I wonder what happened, hostage? Rogue joker helper? Maybe Joker himself, he probably killed somebody. Slowly, the thudding of boots echoed down the hall, 2 male voices just making my ears. I had to get out, my heart pounding in my chest. From all my screaming, I could hardly use my voice. I started moving my arms, the chains holding them up making sounds. Not loud enough to get their attention though, I hear them slowly walk away. I try moving faster and harder, but the footsteps faded. I start crying out of frustration and fear, I was going to die here. Panic took hold of my body; I was sobbing at this point. My hot tears rushing down my face, the loud sniffles and panting echoing through the room.

"I'm going to die." I whisper to myself, then the hinges fly off the door. A man with a bright blue leotard walks in, relief warmly spreads, and I start laughing. Insane like laughter filling the atmosphere, he runs to me then lifts my body off the hook it resided on.

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