Come Over Love- Damian Wayne

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They were doing it again, the screaming and arguing. My parents had throughout the night became drunk, so now they were screaming at each other. I know that it's only because they aren't sober, but it still terrifies me. When they're sober again, they won't even remember anything, even if I walkout and get a drink. They don't stop, I was curled up in my bed trying to drown out the sound with music and by texting my boyfriend.

Somehow, Damian Wayne chose me even though I'm nothing like him. I do really like him though, though he has this superpower of going to bed late and waking up early. I think it's why he's grumpy all the time, but it's nice to be able to message him at critical times. Like now.

'So, are you busy tomorrow? Father said I could have the day off and would like to take you on a date.' He's so sweet, that and he doesn't really get along with his brothers.

'Oh, no I'm not busy! I would love to.' Just as I hit send a hear something break, I curl up further into a ball. Tears threatening to slip out.

"I'm okay." I whisper to myself, hoping for all of it to stop. I hear my phone go off a couple times, finally looking at it. Quickly skimming through the messages until I see the last one.

'Are you okay love? You're awfully quiet tonight.' I hesitate not knowing what to reply with.

'Yeah, I'm just simply tired.' I lie, I feel a weight of guilt placed on my chest. No one really knows that it happens, not even (b/f/n) who knows most of my secrets. Within a matter of seconds, I get a message back from Damian.

'I know when you're lying, dear tell me what's wrong.' Shit, he saw right through it.

'My parents are just arguing and it's a little scary.' I say, it wasn't the whole truth, but it was enough.

'Do you want me to come over?'

'NO, I'm fine Damian,' I reply quickly, he is not coming over. He simply can't, I don't even know what he would do.

'(y/n) what's really going on?'

'Nothing really, I'm fine!'

'I'm calling.' The phone starts ringing, if I didn't pick up, he would get suspicious but if I answered he would find out. It's better if I answer, I'll just be quick. I quickly clear my throat and pick up.

"Hey Dames!"

"Cut the crap (y/n), what's really going on?"

"Nothing! See I'm fine, just some arguing, that's it!" I try to say happily, but my voice ends up cracking right at the end.

"Love, were you crying?" Tears begin to well up again.

"No." I lie, voice cracking and tears beginning to stream down my face.

"I'm coming over to get you." He says, I begin to try to tell him no when something shatters loudly in the background.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Damian, I'm okay just go to bed." I plead, determined to get him to hang up.

"(y/n), what are your parents doing?" I sigh, knowing I can't hide the truth anymore.

"They're drunk and fighting, and it's not the first time."

"Have they ever hurt you?"

"No, but even if I walk out, they don't stop." I say, sobs taking over my body.

"Come over love, Alfred's already waiting for you." I get up and look out my window. Sure enough a limo parked outside my house, I quickly stuff the essentials into a backpack then climb down the fire escape. The ride wasn't long to the house, it was quiet though which was nice. Damian was waiting right outside the door, taking my shaking hands and leading us to his room. I drop my backpack and he guides me to bed. Wrapping his arms around me.

"It's okay (y/n), you're safe here with me." 

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