take me to church (FLUFF)

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gabriel takes beelzebub to one of his favorite places on earth.

"a... church?" beelzebub looked up at the building. she couldn't say she wasn't expecting that.

"yes," gabriel nodded. "come," he said, extending a large hand for beelzebub to take.

the moment they stepped foot in the church, beelzebub jumped. she hissed sharply, leaping out of the building immediately. "what's wrong?" gabriel asked. "oh, consecrated ground? sorry."

beelzebub just looked at him.

"uh... hold on, let me..." gabriel thought for a moment before walking over to beelzebub. much to her surprise, the archangel scooped her up in his arms, carrying her bridal style. beelzebub said nothing as gabriel carried her into the church. the stained glass windows cast colorful shadows of sickly moonlight over the two as they walked down the aisle between rows of pews.

beelzebub gripped gabriel tighter as he carried her farther into the church. "you okay? i'm not gonna drop you," gabriel reassured her, a hint of amusement in his voice. beelzebub nodded and cautiously leaned her head on his shoulder. gabriel leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead.

beelzebub cleared her throat. "so... why did you bring me here?"

"i just wanted to show it to you. i think it's beautiful. humans come here to share god with each other, they pray, they sing, it makes them feel good," gabriel replied. "it makes them feel less alone."

a moment of silence passed as gabriel held beelzebub before the altar. she was weighing heavy on his arms, but gabriel didn't want to put her down. he wouldn't.

"humans are so sad. they spend their lives trying to be happy only to die so quick. what's the point of it?" beelzebub said softly.

gabriel sat down on one of the pews and held beelzebub on his lap. "nobody deserves to be alone," he said.

"nobody? not even the worst sinners?"

"not even the prince of hell should be alone," gabriel said. "and she's not."

"i love you, gabriel," beelzebub said. "but what is going to happen to us?"

"bee, we're going to be alright," gabriel replied. he looked to beelzebub with shimmering violet eyes. coming out of gabriel's mouth, beelzebub could almost forget that that could never be true. she leaned in and pressed her lips to gabriel's. when she pulled away, beelzebub found herself wanting more, and she dove in again, this time more hungrily. gabriel met her with no resistance, parting his lips and allowing the prince of hell to slide her tongue into his mouth.

gabriel lifted his hand and brushed beelzebub's face. beelzebub pressed her body against his, lifting a hand to run it through his neat brown hair. the kiss broke for a moment, and gabriel spoke softly into beelzebub's mouth, his breath warm.

"let's go home."

beelzebub nodded. gabriel shifted her and lifted her up.

gabriel entered the bedroom in his sleep shirt and sat down on the mattress. beelzebub put down her copy of lord of the flies and turned to gabriel. as the archangel slid under the covers, beelzebub rolled on top of him.

"goodnight, gabriel," beelzebub whispered into gabriel's ear. her warm breath sent tingles down his spine.

"goodnight," gabriel sighed. the two fell asleep, beelzebub curled up on gabriel's chest like a comfortable cat.

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