⚫| Chp. 18

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{~Bloody Chicken~}

{~Bloody Chicken~}

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I purposefully missed breakfast to sleep in and gather my bearings. I also didn't want to vomit all over someone by seeing Parkinson's face. I breathed in and out squeezing the stress ball I got. Apparently it's a muggle thing that's supposed to help.

I walked straight to the Divination classroom and met up with Jessica on the way there. We walked in and almost immediately class stared. Draco ushered us over. We sighed and sat down at a table next to him.

"Welcome my children. In this room you shall explore the noble art of divination. In this room you shall discover if you possess the sight." She stood up and bumped into a table making some of us laugh. Not me, I didn't care. "I am Professor Trelawney. Together we shall cast ourselves into the future! This semester we shall start with the art of reading tea leaves so if you please switch with the cup of the person sitting opposite of you."

I switched cups with Jessica and she handed me hers. I looked down at my book trying to decipher hers. Trelawney reached our table and I read off hers. "You have what looks to be an angel and an apple. So you'll have good luck and a long life." I said smiling. Trelawney looked over my shoulder and nodded in approval.

She went to check over Jessica's but as she was about to read Trelawney gasped silently. Jessica read off my cup. "You have an acorn which means improved health and ants. Ants are an evil omen, they stand for impending difficulties. So maybe it means you'll have a long healthy life but you'll always have challenges to face. That's not to bad."

I smiled gently. "Yeah not bad at all." I looked over at Potter and Granger who must've heard. I looked back at my cup. "Or it means that I will find a cure but at a dangerous cost." I thought to myself.

I look over at Draco who seems slightly worried. I looked away, he doesn't need to be.


I walked down to Care of Magical Creatures with Jessica, Blaise, and Theodore. Out of everyone in Slytherin, I think we hate Parkinson the most. We walked into the forest.

"I think they're funny." I heard Granger say.

"Oh yeah terribly funny. Really witty. God this place has gone to the dumps, wait til my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." Draco said and his friends chuckled.

"Shut up Malfoy." Potter said stepping closer.

His friends 'ooo' and Draco threateningly stepped closer. His threatening manner disappeared, it became a scared one. "Dementor, Dementor!" He shouted I knew he was joking just to get Potter to turn around. Draco and his friends pulled up their hoods and made ghost noises.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop that childish behavior Malfoy. You're a third year act like one. This rivalry is getting old." I said taking his hood off and smacking the back of his head.

Before he could say anything, Hagrid came back. "Da da da da! Say hello to Buckbeak."

"Hagrid what is that thing?" Weasley asked.

"That Ron is a hippogriff. They're very proud creatures, very dangerous. You do not want to insult a hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do. Now who'd like to come say hello?" The entire class stepped back a few steps leaving Potter up front. "Aw wonderful, Harry come on."

"Now walk up to him slowly, and bow if he bows back you can go touch him. If not, well, we'll get to that later." That sounds reassuring.

He walked slowly walked foward and bowed, but the Hipogriff didn't bow back. "Back off Harry, back off." Hagrid told him and he stepped on a twig. The hipogriff bowed back. "Well done, you can got pat him."

Potter began to move fast and the Hipogriff snapped at him. The hippogriff inched closer as well and moved it's head into his hand. "Well done Harry! Well done! I think you both can ride him now."

"What?" Potter asked. "Hey!" Potter exclaimed as Harris placed him on the Hipogriff.

"Don't pull out any of his feathers he won't thank you for that." Hagrid smacked Buckbeak's behind and we went off.

He spread his wings and Potter held on tight. The Hipogriff took off and soon enough it landed.

"Oh please! Your not scary at all are you, you great ugly brute." Draco strutted up to Buckbeak.

"Malfoy no."

"Draco stop!"

Buckbeak reared up and his hooves came down onto Draco's arm. It scratched through his robe. It looked like the Hipogriff was going to stomp on him next.

"Bulla!" I said and when it came down again it seemed to bounce off of an invisible barrier.

"I've been shot! It's killed me!" He whined and yelled.

"Calm down it's just a scratch." Hagrid said trying his best.

"Hagrid he has to be taken to the hospital wing." Granger said rushing up.

"I'm the teacher I'll do it." Hagrid declared. He picked up Draco, carrying him away. "Class dismissed."

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑶𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆  [ 𝘥. 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺 ]   REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now