⚫ | Chp. 48

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{~ Her Hero ~}

{~ Her Hero ~}

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I sat beside Draco in the Dark Arts reciting the notes on the black board. He pushed a letter over to me. I glanced up to see what Umbridge was doing and she was looking over a couple papers. I took it and opened it.

Can we please talk?

I sighed and looked at him. My chest tightened up. I whispered to him. "Draco, if this is about-"

I felt something run down my face from my eye and he handed me a napkin. I pressed it to the side of my face and looked at it. Black blood had ran from my eye. I got up and went to Umbridge.

"May I be excused professor?" I prayed nothing was dripping from sockets as I held the napkin in my fist.

"Hurry back dear."

I nodded and rushed to the closest lavatory. I held a new towel to my nose and my stomach churned. I spit in the sink, but instead of saliva it was red.

"You're dying. Don't be scared, release it."

"I could kill someone." I told that voice.

"And if you don't let go, then you'll kill everyone. Let go."

I stepped back from the sink, and chanted. "Phasmatos sequitos in lucema infantesi mortuous. Venis ad vitur. Venis ad essendier. Factuo partis viventia."

My eyes went golden like they had after Harry found me. The glass above the stalls in the back shattered as did the mirrors. Wind blew hard whipping my hair in my face. Streaks of black ran down my face again so I continued chanting.

I didn't hear him run in the bathroom but I felt him grip my shoulder. I faced Draco panting. He stepped back a little but held onto me.

"Eva stop this." He tells me.

"I can't!" I yell over the wind.

"You don't understand-"

"No you don't understand, I can't. It hurts, I can't make it stop." Tears streamed down my face.

"It's gonna be okay, Eva, I'll make everything okay. You can get through this."

"No, you have to get away from me. You're terrified of me I can feel it. I'm dangerous."

"No, you're just scared, not dangerous. Just breath, please, tell me what you need."

"I don't know." I tried my breathing a little bit.

"Eva look at me." He cupped my face I stared into his grey silver eyes. While mine were still flashing golden. "What do you need?"

I took a deep breath and stared back at him my tears had gone back to normal. The wind stopped everything outside the lavatory seemed calmer as well. Everything felt like it had stopped.

"I think I need my family to stop treating me like I need a chaperone all the time. I need people I love to stop dying on me. I need you to stop looking at me like that. Like I'm someone important. Like I haven't done so many wrong things, for you, to you, with you. I don't want you to be scared of me but it's gotten so bad that I can almost smell it." I admitted grabbing his wrists. "I'm sorry."

He pulled me into a tight hug and I sobbed. For a long while I was sitting silently and Draco sat beside me patiently. Anyone who knows Draco knows it isn't one of his strong suits.

"Do you want to talk about.. whatever that was?" He asked carefully.

"You don't have to be so tense, I'm okay now."

"I kinda thought that what happened after Cedric, passed it was just a one time thing but this kinda tells me it's a big deal."

"What happened out there?" I asked softly.

"The fires just went out at the same time, uh, then simultaneously they grew and the windows also shattered. Then random students just started throwing up. I think some may have even hacked up parts of their stomach. I'm sure Madam Pomfrey's got her hands full."

I hurt people. I looked up at him and looked him over. I had just noticed his shirt was torn probably from a piece of glass. There was a little blood, not a lot, but just enough to be barely noticeable. I hurt him.


He looked at his shoulder. "Oh no, no, it's okay it's nothing really. Eva I'm fine."

I sat up, placed my hand on his shoulder. He tensed a little bit but calmed down when a small white light emitted from my hand. I took it back and he looked at his tiny would had disappeared. He looked back at me bewildered and I shyly smiled.

"I just want to know one thing before I start my interrogation." I nodded as for him to continue. "Why have you been ignoring me, if this has probably been going on since we met."

"Because I felt guilty. Draco, we kissed and then Cedric died. I wanted to try and blame you for what happened so I thought pushing you away would make it easier." I took a breath. "I hate myself for still wanting to be as close to you as humanly possible because I never told him. I never got to say goodbye, not really, and he shouldn't have died thinking that I was committed to him only. He shouldn't have died at all." He grabbed my hand. I stared at our hands holding back the water works until I was done. "The worst part about it, was when I went to his funeral, I told his father about it. He didn't take his son's quidditch jersey back, he didn't hit me, he didn't scream at me, he didn't get up and walk away without a word, but he hugged me and told me it was going to be okay." I looked up at him. "Cedric deserved so much better than me and he still died loving me after what I did with you. I wanted to blame you so bad but I can't blame you when I enjoyed it."

"Eva, you shouldn't feel guilty for something that I forced on you. I knew you two were in it for the long run, I saw that you were happy. But listen to me Cedric or not I would've kissed you either way because I'm selfish like that. You shouldn't feel guilty for acting on impulse, you didn't know you were going to enjoy it and I'm sure you didn't want to. I'm also sure he wouldn't want to see you hurting like this and beating yourself up about it." He pulled me closer and I stared at our hands that were still intertwined. "Eva look."

I looked up and pushed myself up more. The glass from the mirrors and window were all floating up and reflecting off the sun making rainbow patterns all over the walls before they floated to their places and pieced themselves back together.

"I suppose part if what you had to do was just admit what was weighing on your chest. Talk about what was bothering you with someone."

I smiled and stared at him. "My hero." Draco smiled back and it felt like I was whole again.

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑶𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆  [ 𝘥. 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺 ]   REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now