⚫ | Chp. 36

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{~ Recovery Time ~}

{~ Recovery Time ~}

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I woke up in my bed, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. My hand flew to my stomach as I hissed in pain. I stopped moving and lifted up my black shirt. My hand traced over the scar and stitches where the imposter had struck me with the knife. It was all healed up. I layed back down then inhaled

"Greyson!? Holly!?" I called out to anyone.

Merely seconds later my door flew open and Greyson and Nick came in.

"Hey, you're awake." Greyson sighed standing next to my bed.

Nick sat down. "How are you feeling?"

"As good as a person can feel after getting stabbed." I shrugged. "Who saved me? I remember bleeding out and you guys were unconscious."

"Luke did. He told one of your friends to go and get the grimore and did the spell to heal you. He was more scared for your life than the threat of what we are getting out, it was very brave."

"He is a Gryffindor after all. What about everyone who witnessed it?"

"We not only compelled but also obliviated them all. Including your boyfriend." Greyson informed me.

"How long have I been out? When am I going back?"

"You've been in and out for a day, and you'll head back tomorrow night. It's time for us to ask you a question." Nick said.

I propped up my pillows to look at him. "If you're going to ask what message You-Know-Who told him to give me, it was about meeting me soon and he called me his granddaughter."

Greyson sighed looking at Nick. "So apparently we have another family secret. The imposter who you polyjuice potion to turn into your friend Malfoy told Greyson to look out for us, that we weren't safe, and basically said he was going to do everything in his power to make you a death eater. To take advantage of your situation."

"How would he even know about that?" I asked.

"Well we believe that it was him that placed the curse on you before Harry Potter killed him. He had enough time to do it."

"So my grandfather made me a killing machine to use. I am basically destined to be his weapon that kills Potter." I concluded.

"That's what he wants you to be, but You-Know-Who overlooked one thing." Nick told me. "You're an Eclair Evie, and no one tells us what we can and can't be, because we are the dominant wizards and witches, not Voldemort, not Harry Potter, us."

I chuckled, smiling; I nodded to him thinking it over. "You're damn right we are." I agreed with him.


I layed down in my bed the next day after packing, listening to music with my headphones on. I suddenly got a slight pressure on my chest, so I looked up. I looked over and saw the daisies by my bed slowly turning grey and dying. I took off my headphones and sat up. Suddenly a light ringing sounded in my ears as it got louder my body felt lighter, as if I was in a dream or walking on clouds. I exhaled closing my eyes and suddenly I was in a house, that I would picture what the inside of the shrieking shack would look like.

I walked up the stairs in the old dreary house and looked into the door of the first room that there was. Inside was a man who rolled up his sleeve and I saw the symbol of the death eaters. An ugly looking man who resembled a rat stepped in front of the door.

"Step aside wormtail so I can give our guest, a proper greeting." The little bundle in the chair hissed. "Avada Kedavra!" My vision flashed green and then I opened my eyes.

I breathed in and out regaining my composure. I took the dead flowers from the pot and tossed them out the window. A knock on my door made me turn around and look.

"Evie, you ready to go?" Nick asked.

"Yes, I'm ready." I nodded.

"I got your stuff, and remember no carrying anything heavier than what your school bag weighs. Use the bag with the extension charm on it so it feels like nothing."

"I got it Nick, I'm not going to risk tearing anything." I picked up the bag he was talking about and slung it over my shoulder. I looked over my room thinking about the vision I had before brushing it off and closing my door.


We had dropped off my stuff in the common room before I went back to the Great Hall for dinner. It should have just started. I pushed open the double doors and walked in.

"Hello, Hogwarts and others." I greeted everyone. "What did I miss?"

"Evie!" Luke shouted getting up and running to me. He tackled me in a hug and I groaned. "Sorry, I'm so glad you're okay."

I bent down to hug him. "My thanks to you then. You saved my life."

He shrugged sheepishly. "It was nothing."

Ethan hugged me next. "Welcome back sis." He placed a kiss on the side of my head.

"I'm so glad you're back." Jessica gently hugged me. "Do you have any idea how horrible two days without you is when you have to live with Parkinson?"

I laughed a little. "No and I don't want to."

"Good to see you on your feet." Theodore greeted.

"Definitely." Blaise agreed.

They both hugged me, and made sure not to be hard.

"Hey there." Cedric said pulling me closer once I pulled away. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed a subtle kiss on my cheek. "I'm so glad your okay Angie."

"I am to." I smiled pulling away.

I looked behind me a saw Draco smiling at me awkwardly. "I'm glad you're alright Eva."

"Drop the tough guy act and give me a hug you idiot."

He scoffed but walked forward and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer to him but was careful to not hurt me. Draco buried his head in my neck and whispered. "You will never know how terrified I was when I saw you pass out." Draco's voice shook and his breath was shaky as he sighed. I thought he was going to cry.

I'm almost positive my heart exploded in my chest and every inch of my body felt tingly. In a good way though. I pulled away and looked at him.

"I'm sorry, and I'm not going anywhere anymore."

"You better keep that promise because I swear if you don't I will bring you back to life just so I can kick your arse." He warned.

"Noted." I smiled at him.

"Welcome back Ms Eclair, and to answer your question, you didn't miss anything I don't believe."

"With all do respect Professor Dumbledore, this is Hogwarts. I wouldn't be surprised if I came back and learned the greenhouses grew legs and arms then tried to burn the school down."

The Great Hall erupted in chuckles and laughs. It was good to be back.

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