"Just stay with me"
(A Jack Gilinsky Fanfiction:)
|| sequel to "Without You" || Book Three ||
You've got this. You got it Eva. Draw the line. He moved on. It's over. Your okay. You've got this.
I brace myself and walk back into my dressing room.
I have a sweet smile on my face and I feel it slowly starting to fade when I see Jack and Tiana kissing. The sting that hits my chest hurts worse than a bullet shot.
I force the smile to stay, and walk over and sit next to Sammy.
He lowkey rubs my back in a soothing way, knowing probably how jealous and hurt I feel right now.
I've talked to him a few times about how I feel and he understands and helped me contain my feelings.
The memories all flood through my head and that's what hurts the most.
"How about we get out of here and go get some drinks?" Makayla proclaims. I gladly excepted her offer and we all get ready to head to a club called Marquee New York.
I've spent some time there over the past few weeks, not going to lie.
We walk outside and into my drivers limo, his name is Charles. He doesn't talk much.
We're seated me, Sammy, Makayla, jack, Tiana, Nate, and then Jj.
I've missed my gang, minus one.
Hate this shit. I don't want to hangout with Jack and his new boo. Like what the fuck? Who would want to hangout with their ex and their new significant other? Nobody.
At Marquee
Goodbyes by Post Malone was blasting through the speakers and of course it has to be this song.
Sums up how I feel in the moment.
I just need to get fucked up and then everything will feel okay.
The drink ladies brought us a tray of complementary shots, since I'm VIP it's just a kind thing the club does.
We all sit in the large oval chair, chilling listening to the kinda sad music.
I down my drink before anyone else even grabs theirs and signal the girl to bring me a few strong drinks and a martini.
"Damn Eva, don't tell us your gonna go hard tonight?"
I shrug and my eyes fall on Jack's who was locked with mine.
"Some things don't change" I manage to stammer out.
I drag my eyes away from his when I get handed my drinks.
I quickly take down all of them and then stand up with my martini in my hand and hit the dance floor.
My arms find themselves above my head as my body vibes to the music.
I start rapping the lyrics Young Thug spits, "I just wanna see the side, the one that's unbothered. And I don't want you to never go outside. I promise if they play, my niggas slidin'. I'm fuckin' her, the tour bus still ridin'"
I sway and my body connects with an unfamiliar body.
He grabs my waist and we sway to the music.
"I want you out of my head. I want you out of my bedroom tonight. There's no way I can save you, 'Cause I need to be saved, too"
I hold up my hand as the music takes over my body and I sip on my drink.
The song dies and I make eye contact with the guy who shared my heartbreak moment with me.
Oh, he's gorgeous as fuck.
He licked his lips and I now noticed he has braces. Kinda odd but it somehow makes him look so sexy.
"Hi beautiful, I'm Bradley." He some what yells over the music.
I smile, feeling the alcohol give me a confidence boost, "I'm Eva"
He smirks, "Eva, your the most gorgeous girls I've ever laid on eyes. Please don't break my heart"
I laughed and my eyes light up as they beam into his.
"I won't. Pinky promise you won't break mine?"
I hold my pinky up and he laughs at it and wraps his pinky around mine, bringing our connected hand up to his mouth and he kisses his finger.
I kiss mine and we lock eyes again.
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"Come with me" I grab his hand and lead him back over to my booth.
I picked up 2 half glasses of some type of alcohol and we sit down on the comfy red seat.
He clicks his drink with mine and smiles, "to us"
Oh fuck.
I feel the flashback clawing it's way across my mind, I think we all know what moment I'm desperately not trying to think about.
My eyes divert over to Jack, subconsciously, and I see him eyeing me and Bradley.
Tiana is whispering in his ear and sexually running her hand over his shoulder and chest.
He smirks, knowing it's pissing me off. At least I think.
I swallow my drink. Anger sparking my drunken state.
I lift my leg up and rest it over Bradley's leg, he immediately grabs the back of thigh, holding my leg in place.
I kiss up and down his neck, turning my head slightly to get a clear view of Jack.
His jaw is clenched. He grabs Tianas face and connects his lips with hers.
That's it. I remove myself from my distraction that wasn't distracting me anymore.
I look down at the table, pangs aching in my chest.
I'm loosing my self control. I don't want to get to fucked up, am I really that much of pussy that I can't take the reality that he's doing these things to purposely hurt me?
Like what the fuck? After everything we've been through? I guess some people are just like that.
And I'm like that.
I down six straight shots of a strong dark liquor.