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''No, no, no,'' I groaned, tugging at my blonde hair in frustration. I was convinced I had the right formula this time but turned out it was not... ''What am I doing wrong again?'' I asked myself. 

It has now been ten years I'm trying to find a way to create my own robot-boy. I've tried so many different ways to assemble the pieces and make it look like a real human boy and I've succeed for that. But the most difficult is to put a soul into it's body.

All of my life I've been rejected by humans. They are so selfish, cold-hearted, rude, disrespectful and have a low IQ. After so many deception in my life, I decided to create my own robot-boy. Someone I would teach good manners to and how to be the greatest boy in the world. Someone that would make up for all these asshole out there. 

I want my boy to be perfect. I want my boy to be the prettiest of them all. I want him to be kind and respectful. Smart, polite, genuine, comprehensive, trust-worthy, generous, etc. I want him to have beautiful eyes and a contagious smile that can brighten anyone's day and comforting arms to hold you when you are sad. 

Like I said before, I want my boy to be perfect but perfect needs time to achieve. A lot of time.

I am now twenty-two and I haven't reached perfection yet. 

Two months later I decided to try again for the hundredth time.

Don't stop till you make it, I always remind myself.

This time, I've worked extra hard on these plans and I am convinced it will works. I think I've fond what I was doing wrong. I was so determinate to create the robot-boy, inserting all the right pieces and what not in the right places or focused on it's appearance that I completely forgot about the most important thing: the heart. Not the organ but the love and warmth - the soul - to make the robot-boy come to life. 

A wide, satisfied grin made it's appearance on my lips as my creation opened their eyes, blinking at me.


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