''What are you gonna do with him?'' asked Michael.
I raised a brow. ''What do you mean?''
''Well, you've created it but now what. Are you gonna keep him or train him and let him go do whatever he wants to.''
''Ashton is not a dog, Michael,'' I scolded, glaring at the red haired lad sitting on my couch, eating his morning toasts. The sneaky bastard came here in hope to get free breakfast since he's out of money for the rest of the week. And we are Monday.
''I know but you still have to teach him everything. It's like having a baby in a way except you didn't have to stick your dick in a girl and wait nine months to get it.''
''But I waited ten fucking years though..''
He chuckled. ''Talking about the him, where is he right now?''
''I took him in my laboratory and he's plugged onto a machine who'll teach him stuff like understanding better what I'm saying or simply going to the bathroom,'' I explained. ''It's attached straight to his brain but I can't teach him how to talk by using a computer. That, I will have to do it myself because most of the time, computers are wrong with spellings and all. I can't teach him the wrong stuff.''
I was really glad when I found out I could do that by plugging the robot-boy to a computer and it'll do all the dirty work. I didn't want to be the one showing him how to wee or something. I'm not ready to potty train a baby, let alone a grown looking boy. That's even worse.
''I can help teaching him how to speak,'' he offered.
''No thanks. I want him to be polite, not talking like a trashcan.''
''Hey!'' He threw a piece of toast at me. ''I don't talk like a damn trashcan,'' he protested.
I rolled my eyes. ''Sure, mate...''
As I was waiting to the machine to be done, Michael and I talked about everything and nothing. From his ill mother to his father getting re-married with my mother. Yes, my mum. What a shocker. She and I never talk anymore, she thinks I am insane like my father. How nice..
''Will you be present for the big day?'' he asked.
I bite my lip. ''I don't know, Mikey. Would she even wants me to be there?'' He stayed silent. ''I wuldn't want to be the one who ruin her second wedding. My father did that the first time by telling the guy that her baby - me - was not his.''
The red head chuckled. ''I bet it was hilarious seeing everyone's shocked face in the church. And your mum's.''
''I was barely a month old at the time but I bet it was,'' I laughed along.
It died down after a moment but Mickey spoke again. ''Have you seen him since.. you know.''
''Your dad.''
''Oh. No. My mum made a restricted order against him so he can't come near any of us or he'll get arrested by the cops. I don't know it's still working though, it's been years since he left and I've never seen him. I don't even know if he's alive,'' I chuckled dryly.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. ''I'm sure he is, Luke.'' I whipped at my eyes, forcing myself to keep them dry. I can't cry in front of my best mate. It's embarrassing. ''I'm sure he'd be proud of you for achieving such a revolutionary invention. You created a fucking robot-boy, Luke! That's what your father's been trying to do all these years before your mother found out and kicked him out. You're so smart and persevering. You never gave up and finally succeed after all those years.''

FanfictionTen years is the average number of years you goes to school before graduating. Ten years is the number of years a medicine student needs to study to become a proper doctor. Ten years is also how many years couples usually wait before getting married...