Chapter 4 Curiosity

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Adam's POV
Everyone watched as Grace, Tiana, and Blur walked with the Principal to his office. Once they were out of sight everyone headed to class walking around the nurse and the three idiots. I sat in my next class with my boys thinking about Blur and what she said.

"I rather come close to death again"

My thoughts were along the lines of why would she say that? And what has happened to her in her past? But another thing you couldn't deny was that Cody and Blur resembled each other a bit. I knew Cody noticed it just like me, and I know Jake noticed it too. But I couldn't figure out how though.
When the bell rung for everyone to head to their next class. Cody, Jake, and I decided to skip class though not caring about the consequences. This school seemed pretty passive with this type of behavior. So it really didn't matter to us at all.
"So" said Jake looking at me "so what" I asked pulling out my vape. "Blur and her friends are pretty bad ass. Aren't they?" Jake asked me "hell yeah they are" said Cody. "They definitely are. But I think Blur gots some baggage that nobody knows about" I say after blowing my smoke out. "Did you notice she only wears long sleeve stuff. She was showing her legs a bit in Gym today. But she arms were completely covered" Jake pointes out. I nodded my head "the only thing showing were her knees and down" said Cody.
"Its pretty weird in my opinion" says Cody "maybe she got beat when she was younger" said Jake. "I think so. But I wonder if she is still going through it" I say after blowing more smoke out. "We should help her" said Cody "we can't Cody without proof or her confirming it. We can't do shit to help her" Jake tells Cody. Cody then kicks the wall in anger.
"But there are still two unanswered questions" I say and they both look at me confused as shit. "Why does she resemble you. And where did she learn to fight" I say "make that three" said Cody. "Because we also shoulder wonder why she hasn't reported her abusers" Cody added on to our small list. I nodded my head blowing out more smoke.
The bell rung and I put my vape away, and head to my next class. Telling the boys I would see them later.

After school I walked outside to my BMW i8 to find that some slashed My Damn Tires. There was sticky note on my door that read Don't Park In My Parkin Spot! My name is on it. -Blur. I couldn't believe this shit this girl was absolutely fucking crazy!
When the parking lot cleared out more. Cody and Jake helped me put the new tires on my car. When I backed up I saw in blue spray paint in the spot read Blur's. "She is definitely one crafty ass bitch" said Jake chuckling next me as I shake my shake my head while smirking.
"You guys hungry" Cody asked we looked at him confused "because there is this great dinner that Blur works at-" "say no more Cody" I say. We all three get in our cars and follow Cody to the dinner that Blur works at . Which I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when we showed up. It honestly was probably gonna be the best look ever.
We pulled up to the diner and the sign read K's Diner it was in bright red lights. I looked through the Diner window to see Blur smiling. She had on a pink waitress outfit with an apron, and her hair pulled back into a ponytail. There was no denying it that Blur was hot. And I knew if I wasn't careful I was gonna fall for her and hard.

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