Chapter 11 Hello Dad

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                              Blur's POV
       "Cody? Why are you here?" Said the man as he stared at Cody with a shocked expression. "This is The Girl, Dad the girl I texted you about saying that-" but Cody stopped talking once Adam kicked him in the shin. "Oh. But this is-" said the man and when he made eye contact with me he stopped.
       He had the eyes my mother told me that I had adopted. He had my hair color, but with a little bit of grey in it. He was slightly muscular and tall too. He was in a black and white suit, and had dress shoes on his feet as well.
"Olivia?" The man questioned with a shocked expression on his face "Blur how does he know our mother?" Axel asked me. "Isn't it obvious" I say my voice dry and hoarse, but Axel and everyone still looked confused. Except him and me as we still stared at each other. "He's my father" I say bluntly and Axel's expression turn to sad yet angry look.
"How?" Cody asked our father "it was three months before I met your mom. But I had no idea-" "that not using protection can create a baby. Well aren't you the dumbass" I say. Everyone seems shocked, but my father looks the most shocked. "I had no idea Olivia even got pregnant" said the man "she said she couldn't remember you after being drunk" I say with nothing but sadness. "That's impossible I never met Olivia at a bar. I met her at her work she was a waitress" said my father.
       When those words left his mouth my blood turned cold and I knew I looked angry. "Blur. Don't do anything stupid" said Axel as he knew of what I was thinking. "I'm... I'm going to kill her" I say as Raphael and my aunt come running in. My aunt looks to my father then looks at me then back to him. "Your him aren't you?" My aunt asks with pure happiness in her eyes as she smiles. "Please take her from-" "take her from who sister?" I hear my mother's cold voice say as she enters the room.
       "Olivia! How could you not tell me!" My father shouts with anger as a nurse comes into the room. "Please everyone there are to many people in her. Who is actually family to the patient" asked the nurse. My father, mother, aunt, Axel, Raphael, and Cody all raise there hands showing they are related to me. "Okay. Who are the parents and siblings" asked the nurse. My Aunt's hand went down. "Alright everyone else out please" said the nurse and everyone left the room. "Aunty take Raphael with you" I say Raph gives me a pouty lip "you don't need to be in here for this" I say. Raph nods and runs out the door, and the nurse shuts the door.
       "How could you" my father says again "you didn't need her. You ended up finding your wife and having kids. Plus she has been fun at home" said my mom. And that's when I reached my end point. I pulled out all the needles and everything else attached to my body. Is good up almost falling if it wasn't for Axel helping hold me up.
"Now what happened" my mother said turning to me "get in another fight?" she asked. "Yeah with Gabe" I say and my mother rolls her eyes at me, and if one cue the ass walks in. "Blur so glad to see your alive" Gabe lies through his teeth. Axel and Cody both took protective stances near me as if on instinct. Gabe smirks and slowly looks toward any biological father. "You must be the doctor right?" Gabe asked stupidly "no I am her father" said my biological father with venom his voice.
Gabe looks between me and my father, and once he sees the connection he snapped. "Oh so you let this piece of shit come to ruin our relationship again" said Gabe looking at my mother "no Gabe. I have no idea why he's here" my mother answered. You could hear the fear in my mother's voice as she answered Gabe.
"The doctors called me here saying my daughter was injured" said my biological father "but I believe the question is who did it now" said my mother. They all looked to me, before I could answer the girls came barging in. "You Fucking Jackass!" shouts Grace and punching Gabe square in the jaw. Gabe's eyes change I knew what was coming I quickly moved in front of Grace. And once he notice I was in the way he swung. I got hit right in the stomach and I could feel everything breaking again as I let out a scream of pain.
"BLUR!" Cries Cody and Axel as they run to me to help me. "You" said my biological father going to hit Gabe, and he landed a perfect punch on Gabe. Gabe went to hit my father, but I quickly grabbed his arm stopping him. Gabe looked at me with an evil look, and threw me off him into the wall. Nurses and Doctors came running in with Police as they hand cuff Gabe. "I want assault charges and attempt of murder charges pressed on him" my biological father says flatly.

The doctor looked me over and restitched my stomach and my left thigh up. My doctor told me to take it easy for about a month. Which means nothing but bed rest. My father stayed with me including Raphael, Axel, and Cody. Raph held my hand as if scared I was going to leave him. "When can she leave" my father asked the doctor "I say in about a week. We just want to keep an eye on her for a bit" the doctor tells my father.
My father nods his head, and once the doctor is out of the room my father looks at me. "Boys why don't you let me and-" "Blur" they all three say. "Why don't you let me and Blur have some privacy. You guys could go get her food. Hospital food doesn't exactly taste good" said my father, the boys agree after looking at each other for a few seconds.
Once the door closes my father looks to me, and sits down next to me. "Well Blur. Tell me about yourself" my father says trying to make a conversation with me. I can't blame him for trying this is kinda awkward, so I give in. "I'm sixteen, I have a dog named Max, and I have your eyes" I say unsure what else to say. My father chuckles at me "you do have my eyes and hair for sure" he told me. I smiled slightly at him "what else any sports or clubs your in" my father asks me.
       "No. I work at a diner and as you can tell come with a very damaged past" I say gesturing to the scars, bruises, burn marks, and every other injury on me. My father gives me a sad look "Blur. What is your full name and is Blur really your first name?" My father asked me, I sigh. "My full name is Blur Elara Grey and yes it is my first name" I say "I think it makes me unique with my name". My father smiles at me as if he agreed with me.
"Blur" said my father nervous "since you have no where suitable to stay. The CPS workers have suggested you come and live with me" he tells me. Anger begins boil within me "but I also want you too. I would love to get to know my daughter. And I am sure your siblings would love to know you" he tells me. I soften up a it on him with this. "But what about my brothers I have known" I ask "they can come stay with us too" he said happily.
As if on cue they all three come barging in shouting "YES!". I shake my head smirking while holding back a laugh. While my father did the exact same thing I did.

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