Chapter 16 Family is Where The Love Is

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As Cassie drives down the roads taking twists and turns. Everything around me began to look familiar, but I couldn't quite figure out how I knew this place. The trees became closer and closer together and we were going up a mountain. Then it hit me exactly where we were going.
"Cassie" I say breathlessly turning towards her and she had a smile on her face. "I bought it a long time ago. Just in case" Cassie explained to me with as minimal words as possible. She then pulls up to the small driveway and rolls down her window. "Made a few safety adjustments though" she said smirking to herself. She punches in the code and we hear a buzz. The gate opens and we pull down the small paved driveway.
Then I see that old grey two story house with white trimming causing me to almost cry. The car stops and immediately got out of the car looking around. Nothing had changed on the outside just had been repainted and mowed. I hear my truck and look to see the boys coming to a stop. Axel gets out and has the same happy yet shocked expression I did. Raphael though looks excited to see this place.
I hug Cassie tightly "thank for buying my Grandmothers home. It means the world to us" I whispered to Cassie. She giggles lightly "I bought it for you" she said handing me the keys to the house. "Every utility has been updated. So has the pluming and bathrooms. The wooden floors I had polished and fireplace cleaned out" said Cassie as we walk up and into the house. "I removed all the furniture. But we can go shopping later and get everything we need" said Cassie as we look around shocked.
The place looked the same just fixed up and painted over again. The floor shined brightly as the light from the afternoon sun came to its highest point. The walls still had the family photos Grandma had taken of us, and her family she raised. I see a picture of Jacob holding me when I was first born. It made me smile big at it.
"What do you three think" Cassie asked and we looked to each other Axel and I blank faces. While Raphael smiles brightly with joy knowing this was it. We look to Cassie smiling at her "this is amazing Cassie thank you" I tell her. We then all three go into a giant group hug. Matty, Grace, and Tiana shedding a few tears for us; then joining us in on the hug.
"Well now that we got this taken care of" said Cassie wiping a few of her own tears away "let's go shopping!" She proclaimed and we headed out the door. We all laughed as Cassie walked outside without us, but soon followed behind her.

At the Furniture store Sarah, Octavia, and Owen stood outside waiting for us. I was smiling big and once they saw me they came running over. The hugged each of us, we all exchanged 'hello' and 'how are you' to one and other. "Now Cassie show me photos and of the house" said Owen, Cassie pulled her phone out showing Owen the updated pictures of the house. "I absolutely love it. It's old, but also modern. It's a the perfect mixture of both" said Owen as he looms at each picture carefully.
       "Right. And before coming here we had them pick out rooms" said Cassie showing him pictures of each of our rooms. "Blur" said Owen, I looks to him confused "you want to be in the Attic?" He questioned me. I nodded my head "I always wanted that place to be my room" I say smiling. "That will actually be very a fun project to do" said Octavia looking at the photo of the attic.
       "Oh by the window. You can probably put a bench that is a bookshelf below it" said Sarah swiping back to look at the picture. "I love that idea Sarah" said Owen as we go into the store to start shopping for the house.

       Six hours later and we finally have everything we needed for the house. As we walk out the store I look over and Cassie, Owen, Sarah, and Octavia, they looked like a big happy family. They were just a friend group that was so close they literally became a family. And would drop everything in a heartbeat for each other.
I look to my friends and brothers, I smile to myself. That is what I want. That is exactly the type of family I want. One that may not be related, but are still family by an inseparable bond of love. "What are you think about" I hear Cassie ask next to me "how did we both come from such terrible broken pasts. But end up with such great loving families?" I ask not even thinking completely,
Cassie makes a humming noise and I know she was smiling next to me. "Maybe because sometimes people with the worst pasts end up creating the best future" said Cassie, I smile big at that nodding my head. "I agree with that Cass" I say slinging my arm around her shoulder as we head to the car where the others wait.
I hear my phone go off and I stop Cassie stopping with me. I pull my phone out to see Cody's ID pop up on my phone. I unlock my phone and go to my text messages.

Cody: Where are you?
Cody: Are you ok?
Cody: Do I need to come get you?

Those were his three texts he send me. I smile he definitely wasn't like the others; Cody I knew was family I could trust. Jacob would have loved Cody.

Blur: I am in Greenville City. I am perfectly fine, and you don't have to come get me.

I tell Cody as I shake my head when he automatically replies back to me.

Cody: Ok. I am glad your ok. Tell Cassie I am proud of her for saving you.

"Who is that?" Cassie asked me, I smile turning my head to the left to look at her. "Cody. My brother" I tell her, Cass smiles at me shaking her head "let me guess he is still best friends with Jake and Adam" Cassie asks I laugh giving her, her answer. "Those three have always been inseparable" Cassie tells me as we get into the car with Grace and Tiana. "Who?' Tiana asked being nosy like always "Jake, Cody, and Adam" I tell her. "Oh ok" said Tiana leaning forward plugging her phone into the stereo.
       "Time for some jams" said Tiana scrolling through her playlist and Time of Our Lives by Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo came on the radio. We all smiled as the song started "I knew my rent was gon' be late 'bout a week ago. I work my ass off. But I still can't pay it off" we all sung loudly together. We then laughed and headed home playing music and singing loudly along.

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