Chapter 5 Beating

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                        Back To Blur's POV
       We sat in the office as the Principal yelled at us. He sighed sitting down after shouting and seeing we didn't care. "I am calling your parents. Your expelled until Monday" said the Principal, we got up and left. Once we were outside I sighed squatting down about ready to fucking cry. "Blur. If you need to you can just hang in the woods again" Grace told me, I grunted "worst day ducking ever" I grumbled standing up.
       I walk to my truck and look at the BMW i8. I smirk and take my pocket knife out my truck, and slash the tires. I write a quick not placing it on the car then leaving to head home. I knew I just needed to get this beating over with.
       I open the door and instantly I am grabbed and slammed against the wall. "You fucking bitch" shouted Gabe in my face "the school called! What I tell you if I ever got woken up by another fucking call form the school!" Gabe shouted at me. I just stared at him stone face making him ten times angrier.
       Gabe slammed by head into then he dragged my into the kitchen. Hot water was boiling and my eyes went wide. "No Gabe! Please stop please!" I begged not wanting to get burned. Gabe chuckled grabbing the pot of water and holding me by my neck. "Take those damn jackets off" he told me, I did as told not wanting anything else to happen.
       Gabe held my arm out and poured the hot water over it. I screamed out in bloody murder. Gabe then took the pot and slammed it against my forehead. I screamed again; Gabe then dragged me to my room throwing me in. He then locked the door I sighed and saw he had took my medical kit out again.
       I undress ignoring the pain and the fact everyone would see it since Gabe also took my makeup out. I pulled on the pink waitress dress I have for work the dress stopped an inch from knee. It was also a short leave shirt. I usually used makeup to cover up the scars and wounds. But today I wouldn't be able to.
       I pulled my hair back thinking I might as well embrace it all. I then snuck out my window with my bag of clothes for the next week, my school supplies, and other stuff I will need. I get in my truck and start the engine driving off to work.
       I got into work and said hi to everyone as I tied my apron around my waist. I then grabbed my note pad and headed to my first table of the night. They were nice old folks, as I was taking care of their order and food. I heard the bell signaling that someone had just walked into the diner. "Hi Welcome to K'a Diner" I say then look to see The three devils themselves smirking at me. But their faces fall seeing my newest wounds and old ones.
       I walked to the back after taking the old people's plates away. I watch as they sit at one of the booths I am in charge of making me groan. I put on my best smile and walk out to them. "What can I get ya'll" I asked "some answers of to what happened to you" said Adam. I ignored that "I suggest are Cheeseburgers with fries and a shake" I say smiling still. "Will take three" said Cody trying help me out a bit "What Shakes. We have Vanilla, strawberries, chocolate, and banana" I say. "Three chocolates" said Jake, I write it down then go to leave. But Adam grabs my arm touching my burn.
       I hiss through my teeth and turn to Adam. "Let us help you" said Adam staring at me with a worried yet protective look. I pulled my arm away despite the pain "no one can help me" I say and walk away. I give the cooks the orders and it doesn't take long for them to be done. I take the boys their order and they gratefully take the food. As I go to leave again Adam pulls me down into the booth.
       I squirm in his hold trying to get away from him. "Hold still" said Adam and I stopped he placed burn ointment on me forehead. He then placed a bandaid over my the ointment. Then he placed more on my arm then wrapped it up. "There you go. Now it won't get infected" said Adam, I smirked "you worry like my Grandmother did" I say laughing slightly. Adam roller his eyes at me, I then I got up and went back to work.
       The boys stayed till closing then for some strange reason followed me to my truck. "Blur" said Adam, I turned to him eyebrow raised up in questioning. "We can help you. Just know that" Adam told me, I have him a small smile. "You aren't the first to tell me that" I say and get into my truck and leave them.
       The Principal called while I was working and said I and the girls can come to school tomorrow. So I needed to sneak back inside the house. Which I knew wasn't gonna work, but I was gonna try.
       I opened the squeaky front door as I found my mom asleep on the couch. But no Gabe to be found. I walked further into the house and when I was so Close to my room I felt a hand grab me. I was then slammed back into the wall and came face-to-face with Gabe. "You're going to pay for sneaking out" was all he said to me then punched me in the face.
       I got severals hits into my stomach, stomach kicked multiple time, and my head slammed into the floor. I coughed up blood and saw it through my hazy vision. I then soon saw black dots and then I was out. Feeling like this was truly my final moment on Earth. Which was more like Hell for me, so actually couldn't be worse than this.

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