Chapter 10 Jacob

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       Blur's POV
"Blur" I hear a voice call my name "Blur" the voice says again. I open my eyes to come face to face with chocolate brown eyes. "Jacob" I whisper he smiles at me and helps me up off the white ground. I hug him automatically happy to see him again. He chuckles and hugs me back, and for once I felt at peace with myself.
We pull back and Jacob smiles at me still "you have grown up nicely" Jacob tells me. "I missed you" I say ignoring what he just said he smiles a sad smile at me "I missed you too". I smile bit at that "but it's not your time yet" Jacob tells me and my smile drops. "I can't go back Jacob. They will kill me one day either way" I say scared and not wanting to leave him again.
"Don't you remember what I told you" Jacob asked me with a sad look on his face. I shake my head no as I feel as if I am going to cry. Jacob gives me a small smile "then let's take a walk down memory lane" he says.

5 years ago
I stare out my dirty old window in my room with Max at my feet. Max is my puppy my brother got me, and he is a two months old. I could feel my cheek slightly swelling still from my mother slapping me. Max whines at me, and I stroke his fur.
       There is a knock on my door and I turn my head to see Jacob come in. I smile at my eldest brother Jacob, who gave me a genuine smile back. In his left hand he held a bag of ice as his right hand shut my door. Jacob walks over to me and hands me the zip lock bag with ice in it. I place it on my cheek and thank Jacob for brining it to me.
       "I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you Blur" Jacob tells me, I smile though "your fine. You were at work" I say. "I know. But just think in a year or two will all be out of here" said Jacob making me smile big.
I have two older brothers Jacob, who is seventeen. Then Axel my other older brother is fourteen, three years old than me. Then I got one younger brother named Raphael he is two and half years old. We are all very close siblings and do our best to protect each other.
"Are they still here" I asked nervously Jacob gives me a sad smile "no they went out. But I thought we could all go to Grandma's House for a bit" said Jacob. I smile at him and hurry to put my shoes on as Jacob chuckles at me. "Axel. We are going to Grandmas" Jacob told Axel, who cheered and hurried to put his shoes on too. Once I have mine on I run to Raph and help out his shoes on him.
Jacob has been showing me how to take care of Raphael. So I can help out with him. Once Raphael's shoes are on I help him stand and we all head out to Jacob's car. Once Raphael is buckled in Jacob hurries and gets in. Jacob starts his old car up and we head off to Grandma's House!

Axel's POV
As we wait for Blur at the party I get a bad feeling in my gut that something isn't right. "She is never this late" sis Tina worriedly as I start to panic. Last time anything like this happened was when... "Oh No!" I say and run to my motorcycle to hurry and head to Blur.
"HEY!" I stop to see those three boys Blur had briefed me on. I couldn't deny it though that one boy sure looked like Blur. But I push that thought aside. "Sorry I'm busy" I say rudely "Look we just want to know your connection to Blur" said the one named Adam. "Come with me and I will tell you everything later" I tell them knowing I mag need backup.
       They seem hesitated "please Blur could be in serious danger right now" I say. With that they immediately agree and run to their cars to follow me. We take off taring ass down the road we come to that old familiar driveway. I stop looking at the old house.

Blur's POV
"Why are you showing me this Jacob" I ask him getting upset with watching this day happen again. "Cause you have to remember what I told you" Jacob tells me and we return to watching that Sergio day.

We arrive at Grandma's House and get out of the car. Grandma walks out to greet us on her front porch; she hugs each of us, and gives each of us a kiss on the cheek too. "Ya'll are just in time for supper" said Grandma and we cheer with joy hurrying inside. We see that Grandma knew we were coming just by the fact the table was set. We sit down and Grandma places our favorite soda in front of us. While Jacob gives Raph his sippie cup with Apple Juice in it.
We eat dinner afterwards Axel and I hand wash the dishes together. We then play Scrabble and Monopoly bored games, and finally finish the night off with watching Mary Poppins. Jacob checks the time in his phone which reads 9:21 "it's late we should get going" he tells us. Axel and I nod our heads in agreement with Jacob, despite our want to not go.
I pick up a sleeping Raphael and we head out to the car. Jacob turns his key to start the car, but it doesn't start. Jacob tried again and nothing happens. "Damnit" Jacob mutters in frustration with his car. Grandma walks out of her house with keys in hand. We climb out of Jacob's car, and head to Grandma's car. We get in the SUV, and head on out to home.

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