Chapter 1

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(NOTE: This is a story inspired by the story Our Ojou-sama is a Level 5 by Flameprincess896 on For the most part this story ignores New Testament. It takes place after the WWIII arc in Index, but it will also talk about the Daihasei arc in Railgun so if you are not caught up with both of those there may be spoilers. The main pairing will be Accelerator x Mikoto and I'm unsure about the other pairings I might include. Feel free to leave suggestions.)

For everything, there was something or someone that stood at the top, standing on a pedestal and setting the example for everything else in that category. The one at the top was not what everyone was trying beat or rise above, most people have already given up the idea on trying to do so, they were the bullseye that everyone aimed for. It was for this reason that the top of anything caused both admiration and envy. And at the top of the education world was Nagatenjouki Academy. The number one ranked school in not only Academy City, but also the entire world.

It was a school said to be so prestigious that it's average first year high school students were already on par with most four year college graduates from some of the highest ranked universities. It had a research building for almost everything scientific and a group of young geniuses to go along with it, but what it was truly famous for was its esper development program. The only school that could hold a candle to Najatenjouki was Tokiwadai Middle School, which was said to be equally prestigious, being willing to cause even international disputes when they did not believe a member of a royal family to be good enough for their school.

It was for this reason that Nagatenjouki was targeted on a daily basis. But with the type of security they had, having the most advanced technology as well as a Judgement and Anti Skill unit assign specifically to the school, it was almost unheard of for anyone to actually get in and those who have were unable to cause any damage before they were taken care of.

It was for this reason excitement and confusion where quickly spreading throughout the crowds of people gathered around the schools main building in amazement. If someone were to approach the building from one side, it would look unharmed, but it one where to turn the corner they would see the back right corner blown off to reveal one of the classrooms with thick clouds of smoke and dirt rising into the air, cutting off peoples view of the full damage.

To many people it was the definition of bizarre and unheard of. For Accelerator it was just another reason why he decided he hated Mondays.

When he woke up that morning, it was to no coffee in his dorm and a city wide power outage, which in itself was strange. To have a few building, and on occasion an entire district, was something that happened every once in a while, but he figured the amount of time the entire city lost power could probably be counted on one hand.

That was hardly worth mentioning however.

It was one of the few days he actually decided to go to school, normally deeming it an unnecessary annoyance and a waste of time. However, Accelerator could see the large crowds of students before he even arrived. It was obvious that not all of them attended the school, making Judgements job of keeping everyone back while Anti Skill investigated even more difficult.

The white haired teen did not bother staying for long. It was none of his business about what was going on. He headed to the nearest convenient store to buy coffee as reflected the noise around him. It was this reason that Accelerator did not hear the blue haired Anti Skill officer calling out to him, trying to get his attention.

The woman ended up following him halfway to the store before he noticed she was there and he decided to stop. Shortly after the woman was standing in front of him and began talking. She was an attractive woman with a  large chest and long blue hair pulled back wearing the standard Anti Skill gear.

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