Part one

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Aaliyah sighed. She was really regretting taking this job. They had advertised it so well, yet Aaliyah was doing nothing that was promised to her. All they had her doing was reading to the elderly. She didn't mind doing that, but she had not signed up for it. Aaliyah rang Jameels mum once a week, to see how things were back there, and to let her know how she was getting on. Jameels mum and Aaliyah both knew what Aaliyah wanted to say, but it was an unspoken rule he'd never be mentioned. Indirectly, Jameels mum would always let her know how he was.

Aaliyah sat down to read to her favourite old patient. They had struck up a good relationship and she always knew what was troubling Aaliyah.

"Who is he?"


"The one your missing like mad. The one who your regretting taking this job for."

"I'm not regretting it, but it's nothing like it was advertised. I'm a nurse. I didn't study, just to come do this."

"Tell me your love story."

"His name is Jameel. I was so cold to him, but he gradually won me over, with his love and patience. I was so happy. Then I ruined it all by coming here."

"Well, maybe it's not too late."


"Your obviously not happy here. Why don't you go back?"

Aaliyah thought it over. She had tried to settle, but nothing had worked. Maybe it's God's way of telling me to go back she thought. "Don't worry" said the old lady, "I'm sure he still loves you and is waiting for you."

Aaliyah kissed the old woman's cheek, handed in her notice, packed up her stuff and started travelling back to the place she called home. Hopefully, she wasn't too late.

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