Part twenty three

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Aaliyah's pregnancy was progressing nicely. Jameel couldn't keep his hands off her. This was nice, but when they were out, she had to threaten Jameel to behave. But Aaliyah was glad, that even after all this time, Jameel was besotted with her and seemed to be besotted with the baby too. He had well and truly broken her walls, and made her realise that there were good men too. She only wished she had met Jameel first. Then she wouldn't of had to go through all that heartbreak.

Now, that she was pregnant, Jameel wouldn't let her lift a finger. She tried to help, but he wouldn't allow it. She got bored doing nothing, but she realised she had a craving for junk food. The sweeter, the better. She would send Jameel out at all hours, to get her food. She was lucky Jameel never complained. He just took it in his stride.

She was watching tv one day, when there was breaking news. Jameels ex girlfriend had been found murdered in her own home. Aaliyah turned the volume up, to hear everything. She burst into tears at the upsetting news. She didn't like her, but didn't want her to die. Since becoming pregnant, she had become more sensitive and emotional. Everything effected her.

Jameel wandered in. "Aaliyah, what's wrong?" "She's dead Jameel. Someone murdered her." "Who?" "Your ex." Jameel sat down. "When? How?" Aaliyah grabbed Jameels hand and squeezed it. Jameel squeezed back. "We'll be ok. We just have to stick together, because we haven't got anything to hide. The police will question you, because you're her ex. Just tell them the truth." Jameel hugged her. He couldn't tell her the truth about visiting his ex in the middle of the night. Even though nothing happened, she would be suspicious about why he was visiting her, in the middle of the night.

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