Part thirty eight

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"There's no time. You are going to have to deliver them"

Jameel lay Aaliyah on the floor. He held her hand, as he encouraged her to push. Their daughter came running in, and saw Aaliyah on the floor screaming. "Daddy, what's wrong with mummy?" "Nothing, now be a good girl and hold mummy's hand." Aaliyahs daughter held her hand, as Jameel shouted instructions. "Jameel, I can't do this."  "Listen to me, of course you can. Your the strongest person I know. You can do this. I believe in you. Now push." Aaliyah screamed as she pushed with everything she had.

Soon Jameel placed two babies on her chest. Aaliyah wept with relief. "You were brilliant," Jameel said, giving her a quick kiss. Soon, they were all taken to hospital. Aaliyah and the babies were given the all clear. Aaliyah and Jameel took the babies home. "Three young children. Who would of thought? Are we ready?"

Jameel kissed her forehead. "The thing is I know you're super mum. You can adapt in any situation."  "But Jameel, you do realise I'll be rushed of my feet and probably won't have time for you." "It's ok. As long as I have you and the children I'm happy."

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