Part two

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Aaliyah stepped out of her car and sighed. She was back home. Back where everything began. Aaliyah went to get some caffeine to keep her motivated for the unpacking she had to do. After getting her drink, she found a quiet table and sat down. How my life has changed in a short space of time she thought. She was about to go when she noticed Jameels dad coming in. She quickly covered her face with a book. She didn't want them to know just yet. She nearly slipped out of the door when she heard "Aaliyah Wait."

Aaliyah froze. "It is you. What are you doing here?" asked Jameels dad. Aaliyah hugged him and said "spur of the moment trip." Jameels dad took Aaliyah home, to meet his wife because according to him, she really missed Aaliyah. Aaliyahs hugged Jameels mum and asked how she was. "How long are you back for?" "Depends on how I feel." Jameels mum insisted she come to dinner. "He really misses you, you know. He tries to hide it, but I'm his mum. I know." "Please don't. That was a long time ago." "But he still loves you. That's why he couldn't move on."

Aaliyah excused herself, saying she had stuff to do. She ran home, crying. She might not of told anyone, but she still loved him too. He had done so much for her. He had made her see not all men were bad, like her ex, and that there were some decent ones still out there. She smiled remembering their moments. She unpacked her Jessie doll and hugged it tightly. She smiled remembering what had happened when she tried to put her in bed with her. 

Aaliyah took a quick shower and got ready. This should be fun, she thought as she headed off to dinner with Jameels parents.

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