Part fifteen

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"Jameel, hurry up. We're going to be late."

"Latte, do I have to go?"

"Yes Jameel, it's your school reunion, not mine. "

"But I was never good at school."

"You haven't done to badly since then. Working with the police. Girlfriends a nurse. Be good tonight, and I'll maybe give you a treat later on."

Jameel grabbed Aaliyah's hand and off they went. They had proper glammed the place up thought Aaliyah. She enjoyed meeting Jameels friends, and talking to them. She enjoyed hearing stories about what Jameel was like in school. It made her realise she didn't know much about her boyfriend. We come from two different worlds, she realised.

Aaliyah was quiet on the ride home. "Latte, What's up?" said Jameel as they entered their apartment. "Jameel, today made me realise we are two totally different people. We come from two different worlds. You were the cool, popular kid, while I was the geek student, who loved science and studied it very hard, and got full marks, which made me pursue it further." "Whys this upsetting you? I worked hard and fell in love with science too. Hence my current job." "But Jameel, I just worry us being so different will tear us apart. I can't live without you. I've tried it once, can't do it again." Jameel held Aaliyah, "Latte, nothing will go wrong this time. I love you." "I love you too."

Aaliyah went upstairs to change. Jameel was watching tv as Aaliyah came downstairs. "Ahem" said Aaliyah. Jameels jaw dropped. "Do I look like a naughty student?" "Yes, and you need to be taught a lesson." Aaliyah laughed. She was glad Jameel liked her student outfit. "Jameel, leave me alone" shouted Aaliyah, as Jameel chased her round the room. Jameel slammed her against the wall and ferociously kissed her. Aaliyah eagerly replied. Jameel threw Aaliyah over his back, and ran upstairs. Aaliyah yelled with delight. Aaliyah pushed him onto the chair, and sat on his lap. "I've been a naughty girl sir. Are you going to punish me?" said Aaliyah kissing his chest. Jameel moaned, then put his hands in her hair and pulled her towards him.

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