Part nine

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It was the next morning and Aaliyah was lying on her sofa. What she did last night made her cringe. She was so sure Jameel would respond, she just went in and kissed him. Big mistake. She groaned as she remembered it. Suddenly, there was a loud bang on her door. Aaliyah lay perfectly still, not making a sound, as she knew who it was.

"Latte, open up." Aaliyah didn't move a muscle, as she tried not to breathe. "I know you're in there. Please just open up, so we can talk." "What do you want to talk about?" shouted Aaliyah through the door. "You know." "What, how I threw myself at you and made a complete idiot of myself. Don't worry, it won't happen again. Anyway, you can be happy with your new girlfriend as I'm going back." "You better open this door now, otherwise you know I can stay out here all night."

Aaliyah opened the door, angrily. "What?" "You can't go back." "Why not? It's not like I've got anything keeping me here." "That's rubbish and you know it." "Really? What's keeping me here?" "Am I not enough for you?" "You've got a girlfriend. I know how much she loves you. I won't be responsible for breaking up someone's relationship. Now go, make it up to her." Jameel tried to protest, but Aaliyah pushed him out of the door. She slid down the door and stared crying.

Jameel went up to his dad and asked him to give Aaliyah her old job back. Jameels dad knew very well his son still loved Aaliyah very much and promised to try. The next day, he invited Aaliyah out to lunch. "Aaliyah, would you like your old job back? We've tried very hard to replace you, but we  can't find a hardworking, capable nurse like you." "Sir, I'd be honoured. The new job wasn't for me anyway." Jameels dad rang him and said she'd accepted. Jameel was beaming. All the parts were coming together.

I don't think Aaliyah will be too happy when she finds out what Jameel did. What do you think?

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