"Why Have You Been Crying, IcyHot?"

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There stood Kirishima and Bakugou making out, all of class 1-A yelling things like "SO CUTE" "KEEP GOING!" "BAKUKIRI!" "KIRIBAKU!" "OUR SHIP HAS SAILED!" and many more things. Shoto covered his ears, he was disgusted. 'Goddammit! Why does he like Kirishima, why Kirishima?!' Shoto thought.

Shoto quickly pushed the button to his floor. Once the elevator door shut Shoto sighed, he felt the tears running down his cheeks, and at this point, he wanted to scream until nothing came out. When the elevator reached his floor he dashed to his room, sobbing loudly. 'I shouldn't have even told Yaoyorozu I was going in the first place.' Shoto thought.

'I'm worthless, to even think I had the chance with Bakugou, pathetic!' he thought. Shoto grabbed a pillow and started screaming into it. He sat up and walked to his bag grabbing a razor, walking over to his nightstand with it in his hand. He grabbed his water bottle he was going to drink last night before he fell asleep.

Warning: Self-Harm. (If you don't want to read it skip to the next paragraph)

Shoto pulled his left sleeve up and pressed the razor against his skin, dragging it against his skin. Small cuts appeared, but they weren't deep enough to bleed. He then began pressing harder, 'why won't it cut damn it! I deserve pain, so fucking cut me!' Shoto thought, pressing even harder. Soon after cuts appeared, like the razor actually listened to him. Soon he pressed harder, deeper cuts appearing. Shoto grabbed a tissue and poured a little water on it, wiping the blood off the cuts. He then held the wetted tissue against them, once they stopped bleeding he took the tissue off and placed it in the trash. He stared at the cuts and muttered "I'm pathetic," under his breath. 

Suddenly, a loud knock at the door startled Shoto. 'Who could it be? Yaoyorozu, yeah probably her.' Shoto thought, pulling his sleeve down, using it to wipe the tears off his face. He walked over to the door and opened it. The one person he didn't want to see standing before him with a look of sympathy on his face.

"B-Bakugou, why are you here?" Shoto asked, trying to sound like he was annoyed. "Oi, I was just coming to see if you were fucking okay, It's not like I care about you fuckin' IcyHot bastard, but you dashed to your damn room this morning and left quickly when you got to the stupid damn party," Bakugou asked if Shoto was okay? Was he dreaming? "O-oh, I'm perfectly fine, thank you," Shoto replied. Bakugou grabbed Shoto's chin and forced him to look at him. "What the fuck? Have you been crying?" Bakugou asked. "N-no!" Shoto shouted. Shoto could feel the tears start to run down his face again, 'dammit!' He thought. Shoto looked down at the ground again, hoping Bakugou would ignore the tears.

Shoto felt strong arms wrap around him. He looked up to see Bakugou hugging him? "B-bakugou?" Shoto asked shyly. "Tell anyone and I'll fucking kill you, now tell me what the hell is wrong," Bakugou replied. "N-nothing is wrong, I'm fine!" Shoto mumbled, turning into a tomato. "Don't fucking lie, I'm not blind you know," "N-no, I'm fine!" "Whatever, I'm going back downstairs, when you feel like telling me what's wrong come find me," Bakugou said letting go of Shoto. Almost immediately after he said that he walked out of Shoto's room, shutting the door behind him. Shoto quickly locked the door and slid down it, sitting on the floor with his back pressed against the door.

'That was close if Bakugou found out I was crying because I love him and he doesn't love me then he'd probably call me names, or even beat me up.' Shoto thought. 

Shoto stood up and started crying again. 'Just great.' he thought. Shoto used his sleeve to wipe the tears off, walking over to his bed plopping down onto it. He grabbed my phone and looked at how many notifications he has missed. 'What the?' Shoto thought. A lot of people had texted him, probably about where he was or about Bakugou and Kirishima. Shoto sighed and opened up his phone looking at Midoriya's text message.

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