Bakugou's Sleepy.

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 "You think I'm beautiful?" Bakugou asked.

 "UH! No!" I panicked. 

"That's gay Todoroki," Bakugou said, laughing. 

I didn't reply, seeing as my face was a tomato and if Bakugou said another word I'd probably explode. 

"Heh, looks like I won," Bakugou said. 

"Hmph," I replied, crossing my arms.

"Can we sit down?" I asked, pointing at a nearby bench. 

"Sure," Bakugou replied. We sat down and admired the beautiful stars shining. 

"Hey, Todoroki?" Bakugou said. 

"Yeah?" I asked. "

This is nice, I never thought I'd get along with you," Bakugou replied, smiling. 

"Well, I never thought I'd get along with a big angry explosion, but it seems I was incorrect," I replied. 

"Bakugou, I have a question," I said. 

"Ask away," Bakugou smiled. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you and Kirishima break up?" I asked. 

 "Uh, well, I was actually in love with someone else," Bakugou replied, quietly. "

Oh? Someone else? Well, I hope it works out with them!" I shouted, smiling at Bakugou. but dying on the inside. 

"I'm not sure, they're quite dense," Bakugou said. 

"Well, if they don't notice you love them I can help you!" I shouted. 

"Ugh, Todoroki you're so stupid," Bakugou said. 

"Huh? How am I stupid?" I asked. 

"Just, nevermind," Bakugou said.

 "I can't believe we have to go to school tomorrow without any sleep," Bakugou said. 

"I know, but at least I get to hang out with you," I said awkwardly, covering my smile. 

"Dork," Bakugou murmured. 

"Hey! I'm not a dork," I fussed. 

"Uh-huh," Bakugou said sarcastically. 

"We should head to the dormitory," Bakugou suggested, to which I politely agreed to. 

"Yeah, it's getting late," I said.

 We stood up and began walking towards the dorms.

 "Todoroki," Bakugou mumbled. 

"Yeah?" I replied. 

"Can I hold your hand?" Bakugou asked. 

My face was a deep red, but I shook my head up and down indicating he could. Bakugou grabbed my hand, and I swear for a second my heart exploded. Bakugou Katsuki, the hot-headed boy I've known for what feels like an eternity is holding my hand, is this even real? My smile was probably so big it could fall off my face. 

"Your smile is cute, why don't you smile more often?" Bakugou asked.

 "Oh-Uhm, I-i," I tried to say something, but it came out as gibberish. 

"Heh, looks like I broke the emotionless robot known as Shoto Todoroki," Bakugou said laughing.

We soon got back to the dormitory. The walk was silent, a calming silence to be exact. We walked inside, loud snoring could be heard from Kaminari.

 "I'm so tired," Bakugou said letting go of my hand. I was kinda disappointed he let go, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. 

"Want to go up to my room? You can sleep if you want," I said, smiling.

 "Sure, thanks," Bakugou said. 

We took the elevator and as soon as I unlocked the door Bakugou jumped onto the bed, falling asleep immediately. I chuckled, looking at the beautiful sight before me.  I covered him up gently and sat down at my desk. I turned a small lamp on, nothing too bright. I didn't want to disturb Bakugou's sleep. I started writing. When something bad or good happens in my life, I like to write about it. This instance being good. I looked up and something wrapped was on my desk.

"Huh?" I whispered. 

I picked up the gift and looked at the tag. It said 'From your secret admirer.' Now, this was getting creepy. How did they get into my dorm room? I opened the gift gently, and quietly. Inside was a beautiful red and white scarf, with a note saying 'It's cold, take this to keep warm.'  It was thoughtful, but I already like someone. I don't think I'll be liking anyone else anytime soon. I looked at Bakugou softly snoring. I smiled. 

Bakugou's so beautiful, how would he ever fall in love with an ugly guy like me. I turned around and continued writing. I thought back to the walk... Bakugou was so kind. It's like he changed. Maybe he likes me..?

Maybe I do have a chance.


Word count: 687.

Published: 10/29/19.

AHH! I'm so sorry it took so long. School is shitty :(. I know I said it would be longer, but I really tried...

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