"Operation BakuTodo Is A Go!"

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Shoto awoke to his alarm ringing quite loudly. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. It was Saturday, meaning he'd have to go back to school Monday. Shoto wasn't complaining though, he enjoyed going to school and training to become a better hero, he also got to stare at Bakugou, but he'd rather not think about that. 

For now, though, Shoto would have to decide what to do today. He could train, but he wasn't in the mood. Maybe talking to Midoriya about...something? Well, Shoto knew Midoriya would babble nonsense about All Might and how sad his retirement is. So, he decided to chat with Yaoyorozu. He hadn't had a normal conversation with her in a long time. Sure, he talked to her when she told him about the party, but that wasn't the type of chatting he wanted to converse about. 

Shoto hopped out of bed. Somehow he was full of energy, but it was probably because of how long he had slept. He quickly combed out his hair with his hands, throwing on some clothing after. Shoto walked to his door, opening it and locking it behind him. He tip-toed to Yaoyorozu's room, hoping she was awake. After a few seconds, the door swung open, and before Shoto could even say hello an overly-excited Yaoyorozu was on top of him, tightly hugging him. "Ouch!" Shoto yelped. Quickly, Yaoyorozu jumped off of him. "I'm sorry, got a little excited there," Yaoyorozu mumbled, scratching the back of her neck. "I can tell," Shoto replied standing up. "Anyways, you need something? You never just visit to chat with me, hmph," Yaoyorozu mumbled. "I don't need anything in particular, I just wanted to chat with you," Shoto said. "EEE! Come on in Sho!" Yaoyorozu shouted happily. "Alright," Shoto said following Yaoyorozu into her dorm room. 

He had forgotten how huge her bed was, there was barely any space to move around. "So, how are you doing Yaoyorozu?" Shoto asked, sitting on her ridiculously huge bed. "I'm doing great Shoto! How are you?" Yaoyorozu asked, to which Shoto replied with an 'I'm doing fine'. "That's great, I'm glad you're getting better Shoto," Yaoyorozu said. "Thanks, Yaoyorozu," Shoto said. "So, have you visited your mother recently?" Yaoyorzou asked. "Oh, yeah actually I visited her last Friday," Shoto said. "Oh, how is she?" Yaoyorozu asked. "She's doing incredible, it's even possible she could get out of the hospital soon," Shoto said. "That's good! I wanna meet her one day!" Yaoyorozu shouted. "I'm sure she'd like to meet you," Shoto replied. "Sooo, Shoto, you can be honest with me, do you have a crush on someone?" Yaoyorozu asked. Shoto turned red, probably more red than his scar. "N-no!" Shoto stuttered. "Oh my, All Might! You do!" Yaoyorozu shouted happily. "U-um, n-no I don't!" Shoto shouted. "Right, now who is it?!" Yaoyorozu asked. "N-nobody!" Shoto shouted. "Oh come on! Spill it!" "F-fine..." Shoto shouted, hiding his face in Yaoyorozu's cover. "I like Bakugou!"




"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Yaoyorozu squealed, to which Shoto covered his ears. "Ouch, Yaoyorozu not so loud!" Shoto shouted. "Oh, sorry, but I cannot contain the excitement in my body!" "Seriously though, be quiet," Shoto said. "Okay I will, but you need to tell him!" Yaoyorozu shouted. "I don't know, will he like me back?" Shoto asked. "Of course he will!" Yaoyorozu shouted. "B-but he's dating Kirishima..." Shoto stated sadly. "Oh you poor thing," Yaoyorozu said, giving Shoto a tight bear hug. "It'll be okay, I'm sure Bakugou will break up with Kirishima and it'll all be okay in the end!" 

"Thanks, Yaoyorozu," Shoto said. "Well it's official, operation BakuTodo is a go!" Yaoyorozu said, to which Shoto giggled in reply. "BakuTodo? What is that?" Shoto asked. "It's your ship name, silly!" Yaoyorozu shouted. "Oh, hehe" Shoto replied. "Well, I have to go, chat later?" Yaoyorozu asked. "Sure, thanks Yaoyorozu!" Shoto said. "Anytime Shoto, anytime," Yaoyorozu replied. They both walked outside and parted ways, Shoto heading towards his room.

 Shoto went upstairs and grabbed his phone and earbuds. He went back downstairs and outside. It was raining today, not pouring, but lightly raining. Something Shoto enjoyed was sitting in the rain, listening to peaceful piano music. He sat on a bench outside the U.A dormitory building plugged in his headphones and started listening to a calming piano music playlist.

 Suddenly, the door swung open revealing a very angry blond. "Bakugou, are you okay?" Shoto asked, taking out one of his earbuds. "NO, I'M NOT FUCKING OKAY, STUPID FUCKING RACOON EYES AND DUNCE FACE ARE BEING ANNOYING AS HELL," Bakugou screamed. "Woah, Woah, It's alright calm down," Shoto said. Bakugou sat down on the bench next to Shoto, scrolling through some social media site on his phone. About ten minutes of silence pasted before Bakugou broke it "IcyHot, can you help me with something?" "Yeah, what is it?" Shoto asked. 

"I don't want to date Kirishima,"

Shoto's eyes went wide and face went pink.

'He doesn't want to date him? Is this happening? Oh My Gosh! He doesn't want to date Kirishima!' Shoto thought.

"Hello?" Bakugou shouted waving a hand in front of Shoto's face. "O-oh!" Shoto shouted. "Sorry, I was just surprised that's all," Shoto said. "What should I do, I don't want to date him but I don't want to hurt him or lose him as a friend either," Bakugou whispered, probably because he didn't want anyone to hear him. "I don't know, sorry," Shoto said scratching the back of his neck. "Can you help me, you know, tell him I don't like him?" "O-oh, sure!" 

'I can't believe it!' Shoto thought.

'Do I actually have a chance with him?'


Published: 07/23/19 (Month/Day/Year)

Edited: 08/15/19

Word Count: 952

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