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PoV: Sonic

Metal's boby was cold and warm I was looking through his eyes. His chest was warm from his engine, his hands were cold were cold. We were back inside, the others couldn't attack Metal so long as I was on his lap.

"Huh?" My sight through Metal's eyes was getting blurrier, "Metal is some thing smudged on your lenses?" I asked.

My vision went back to the strange abys of fluid lights swirling into a black and grey void. I opened both eyes and closed one, I still didn't get my sight back. I tried the other eye... nothing... My sight was gone...

"... ... I lost it... ..." I knew I was still holding Metal's cold hand, I squeezed it.

"Sonic... time to let go," Vanilla's voice.

"No... I can get it back. ... I can... het it back..." I couldn't get it back. The only reason they didn't pull me off Metal was because I said I could see out if his eyes.

They didn't believe until I told them where they were standing.

"I know sweetie," Vanilla was holding me, I could tell from her scent.

"How long did it last?" I asked.

"About five minutes," she answered.

"Five minutes..." I repeated, "... That was enough..."

I gripped what ever I was holding. It was soft, the fabric in my hand. I even got to see how cute Harley was. I liked golden retrievers.

"Metal isn't moving..." I heard Tails.

"Metal?" I felt my feet touch the ground. My hand grazed Harley's handle.

"Vision link no longer active," he said.

"Sonic, stay away from him," I was pulled somewhere, "You don't know what he's planning."

"Knuckles you protect him while we handle Metal," they were a talking. I was losing track of what was what.

"Ah!" I didn't like suddenly being picked up.

"Excuse me but have anyone you seen my evil robot- Metal, there you are. Time to go home," I thought I was hearing Eggman.

All the different voices... I could tell what was going on anymore. What's happen?!
PoV: Tails

Eggman showed up at the door. He was looking for Metal, which ment Metal wasn't sent out by him. Metal didn't even listen to him. He crossed his arms and stayed on the couch.

"Metal!" Eggman snapped.

Metal wasn't listening to Eggman at all, he was ignoring him completely-

If Eggman finds out Sonic is blind what's he going to do to him?!

"Knuckles," I whispered to him, "Take Sonic upstairs. Eggman can't find out what happened-"

"Why is there a seeing eye dog in here?" Eggman noticed Harley.

Knuckles put Sonic down behind the counter, if Eggman find out and launched an attack we'd be in trouble.

  Eggman argued with Metal a while longer before dragging him back to his lair. It didn't look like he found out anything.

"You're safe now Sonic," I helped him up.

"I was in danger?" He couldn't tell what was going on.

"Well yeah, Eggman was just here," I explained.

Harley took Sonic into the back yard, it would be a good little walk for them both.

"What do we do about Eggman when he comes after Sonic?" Amy asked.

"You should just train Harley to lead him out of danger," Sticks replied, "Animals have the best instincts."

"That's not too bad an idea," I replied, "Harley can lead him to safety."

"Alright then. We'll train Harley to keep Sonic safe."
PoV: 3rd Person

"So, that's what happened," Eggman laughed, "Sonic is completely useless, and the world doesn't know yet. He'll make a perfect prisoner."


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